Construction Site du Jour: Location, Location, Location

July 17, 2008 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Anyone who has worked in real estate for any appreciable amount of time will tell you the key to selling a property is its location.

This is why I find the above property (which is located at 214 Green Street) so fascinating: it is located on a corner many would consider less than desirable. Or would they?

If you want to, say, catch a cab or gas up your car this condominium cannot be beat!

What’s more, the tenant of the first floor will not even need to own a vacuum cleaner. He or she can simply reach out the window, pop in a few quarters and viola clean apartment!

Miss Heather


One Comment on Construction Site du Jour: Location, Location, Location

  1. bitchcakes on Wed, 17th Sep 2008 11:48 am
  2. I’m still baffled by this building site. Thanks, Miss Heather!

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