July 21, 2008 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

I just received the above photograph from a fellow Greenpointer named Tammy Jez. She writes:

this may look like a war zone, but nope, it’s in front of my apartment on newell street and norman avenue in greenpoint brooklyn. i came home last night from a weekend getaway… to find my place of residence had barely survived a three story high fiery explosion. according to a neighbor, around 2am saturday night (sunday morning) some youths set fire to a mattress, pushed it under a pickup truck, and the effect is shown in the attached photos. check out the melted siding !!! its a miracle no-one got hurt. definitely a close call. unfortunately, to my knowledge the youths have not been identified.


From what I can tell the 94th Precinct had a very busy weekend. The very same morning this truck was torched New York’s Finest took down a pit bull in the middle of Huron Street. Sheesh.

Miss Heather

Photo Credits: Tammy Jez


5 Comments on HOLY SH*T!

  1. ladysmau on Mon, 21st Jul 2008 9:37 pm
  2. Hey…Tammy Jez is my neighbor! I saw the whole thing unfold…and unfortunately, not quick enough. Actually this happened around 1am…I was coming back from a friend’s place when I saw some kids lighting something in the street. I thought it was a fire cracker…so I asked a passerby (I think one of the suspects) if I should stand by with no real response (totally suspect)…when I rode my bike closer, I saw a small fire under the truck that eventually went into flames. At the time, I thought if I went near it, it would explode, so on my way around the block, I tried to spot the kids who did this on, who of course disappeared. So I rode my bike around the block via McGuiness Blvd to approach Newell St from the other side, and by the time I got there a minute or two later, the car was engulfed in flames. I was in total disbelief. I only found out later that it was a mattress shoved underneath the truck! Talk about fire…it burned quick and hot…and if the fire dept did not get there when they did, my and Tammy’s, and many other people homes would have been in flames. And I heard about the one on Huron Street…except some woman misinformed me as it being on Diamond.

  3. FutureMan on Tue, 22nd Jul 2008 12:56 am
  4. So these “youths” either dragged a mattress for blocks, making a memorable scene for anyone that may have passed them, or they live very close by and didn’t have to travel far. Either way, I think they’ll be caught soon, and if not, karma will get ’em.

  5. missheather on Tue, 22nd Jul 2008 1:42 am
  6. Karma = Bedbugs

    The Greenpoint gift that keeps on giving.

  7. dupreciate on Tue, 22nd Jul 2008 7:16 pm
  8. FutureMan: But it’s Greepoint. There’s a discarded mattress on every block.

  9. rowan on Mon, 4th Aug 2008 11:05 pm
  10. re: the pit bull. Pets on the Run (Manhattan Ave, between India and Huron) has a flyer posted inside their door. it’s written by the people who owned the pit bull – and they are heartbroken. i was curious about why the police shot the dog. the flyer’s author(s) state the dog, named Brownie, was a friendly rescued pit bull, in the habit of cuddling up with its people and not known to attack or menace anyone. might make an interesting post, might not. at the very least, it’s worth a read. the guy who owns Pets on the Run is awfully nice.

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