Happenings At 842 Manhattan Avenue

July 28, 2008 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Derelict since Ricky’s saw fit to depart last year it would appear that this storefront is poised for its newest incarnation. Per a source close to the landlord, 842 Manhattan Avenue is slated to become a juice bar/cafe and tanning salon. While I cannot muster much enthusiasm for such establishments (tanning is not my cup of tea), my tipster brought up a very salient point:

I don’t really care what it is as long as it isn’t another 99 Cent Store or a bank. We already have too damned many of those already.

Very true. Anyone care to take bets as to when the Feds will take over/bail out Washington Mutual? Will it be before or after they open their new location here in Greenpoint?

Miss Heather


One Comment on Happenings At 842 Manhattan Avenue

  1. bitchcakes on Tue, 29th Jul 2008 1:16 pm
  2. As I walked down Manhattan Ave yesterday, I noticed the plywood is gone and you can now see the Wamu in its glory.

    Tanning? Really? People still do that?

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