
August 4, 2008 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Last night I met a friend of mine at The Habitat. I was tired, but giddy. Giddy because I had been out of the apartment for the first time in two days. I tried to pay attention to what she was telling me. Really, I did. But their delicious rum punch and the following didn’t help matters.

The Habitat
988 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

I can only hope their upcoming chicken wing eating contest is equally entertaining.

Miss Heather


2 Comments on Syncronicity

  1. rowan on Mon, 4th Aug 2008 7:09 pm
  2. this is why i love animal shows. if i ever get cable, i am so getting Animal Planet.

  3. bex on Tue, 5th Aug 2008 2:31 pm
  4. Hysterical. I wonder if it’s just that specie or if all male birds are so versed in Beastie Boys mating calls? Nice catch!

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