Reason #8,950,879 why I live in Greenpoint

March 12, 2007 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Jason is my Co-Pilot

I found this yesterday afternoon while strolling along Diamond Street.


Miss Heather

P.S.: I am currently listening to Kiss. Not only do I like Kiss, but I have noticed that it is very effective at covering up construction noise. The dull roar of (il)legal construction/destruction blights my block more often than not nowadays. It sucks ASS.

Anyhoo, when “Heaven’s on Fire” came on (you know the beginning part where Paul Stanley sort of yodels), someone outside my window (a foot soldier for the Greenpoint Battalion of the Kiss Army?) did a dead-on imitation of it immediately afterwards. This makes reason #8,950,880 why I live in (and love)…



7 Comments on Reason #8,950,879 why I live in Greenpoint

  1. youdneverguess on Mon, 12th Mar 2007 12:10 pm
  2. Construction sucks. It is noise pollution of the worst kind. Though, for me, Kiss is not that much better.
    You don’t have any Brittany Spears?
    Just kidding.

  3. missheather on Mon, 12th Mar 2007 12:18 pm
  4. Actually, I own her ‘Greatest Hits’ album. Ms. Spears gets some heavy air time around here— especially when I am doing housework.

    Unlike most people, I think the shaved head really works for her. I wish her a speedy recovery from whatever is ailing her— and that the media would quit being so nasty to her. Seriously.

    Off the top of my head, I can think of at least a dozen people much more worthy of vilification than her. Dick Cheney immediately comes to mind.

  5. missheather on Mon, 12th Mar 2007 12:44 pm
  6. OH YEAH— I strongly suspect the would-be Paul Stanley is one of the contractors working in the giant trench in front of my apartment building (replacing a transformer for the G train for the MTA).

    I am very tempted to bring them a six pack of beer and offer to take any requests they may have. Hell- maybe they’ll even bring in cds and I’ll DJ for them. My husband thinks this is an excellent idea.


  7. youdneverguess on Mon, 12th Mar 2007 2:04 pm
  8. My husband is a carpenter and I know that he would greatly appreciate both beer and music, in that order. Who knows, maybe you’ll make some new friends, plus it never hurts to have “connections” in the public works department.
    As far as Brittany, I’m not a fan but I do feel very sorry for her. God, that picture that’s been on the cover of every tabloid, of her in the car? Man, that look on her face is just depressing. It’s very sad that apparently once you’re a star/celebrity a nervous breakdown/meltdown is inevitable.

  9. missheather on Mon, 12th Mar 2007 2:13 pm
  10. My husband used to be a finish carpenter. That’s probably why he endorsed my idea.

    As for Britney, you failed to mention that she was (is?) a child star. If that’s enough to give someone a nervous breakdown (eventually) I do not know what is.

  11. youdneverguess on Tue, 13th Mar 2007 9:05 am
  12. Very true. Child stars are doomed, period. There’s a few that have come out the other end relatively unscathed, but that’s a rarity.
    Carpenters generally watch out for each other. They’re good like that.

  13. dupreciate on Mon, 19th Mar 2007 7:54 am
  14. First post that has driven me to register and comment – I saw this out of the corner of my eye and actually thought someone was sitting in that car with a Jason mask on. Weirded me out. Best anti-theft device ever.

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