It Has Begun!

October 8, 2008 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Total collapse of the world’s economic system, you ask?

No. This is much, much better. As I have often stated Halloween is my favorite holiday. The reasons for this are complex, but here are a few (in order of ascending importance):

  1. I was married on Halloween.
  2. October 31 is the only day I feel “normal”.
  3. The folks down on Humboldt Street will be rolling out the best damned Halloween display in New York City— and perhaps the world!

When I walked by last week there was nothing. No so today. There were definite signs of progress. I struck up a conversation with their next door neighbor (the chap sweeping up leaves in the above photograph). Here’s his take on it:

It gets better every year.


The evil clowns are back!

With a few new friends like this black cat…

a big fat rat Greenpoint Retriever by the front door…

and a very scary (if a bit careworn) ghost…

and a couple of companions!

This image takes me back to my honeymoon.

The second floor is looking good.

There was one thing that bothered me. Fortunately I was lucky enough to meet the woman who lives at this two story house of pain and ask her about it.

Miss Heather: You’re going to bring back the guy puking up blood, aren’t you?
Woman/Wife (pointing to a chap wearing a G-Unit shirt): You’ll have to talk to him about that. (To chap in G-Unit shirt) Hey, this woman has a question for you.
Man/Husband: Yes?
Miss Heather: You’re not finished are you? I really want to see the guy barfing up blood. He’s my favorite.
Man/Husband (smiling): No, we’re not done yet.
Miss Heather: Thanks! I’ll be back. I’m going to film it this year. I was married on Halloween, you know— and now that I think about it my marriage is a lot like Halloween. EVERY DAY.


So there have you. No confirm as to whether the blood barfer will be part of this year’s ensemble but there is plenty more to come.

And I can hardly wait!

Miss Heather

P.S.: Be sure to check out my Flickr set to see more photographs of this awesome display of Halloween spirit! This one pretty much says it all!


4 Comments on It Has Begun!

  1. d on Wed, 8th Oct 2008 7:56 pm
  2. Halloween is my favorite holiday too. About a month ago while walking around the Farmer’s Market with the lovely Bitchcakes, we spotted some mini pumpkins and I snapped one up! It was still hot and humid at the time but I got all excited cause it meant Halloween was on the way. 🙂 I am so totally going to have to walk by that house.

  3. bestviewinbrooklyn on Thu, 9th Oct 2008 10:19 am
  4. Hallowe’en IS the best holiday. Decorating has been slow down here in Sunset, but a few houses have been kind enough to entertain me and the cherub. I only have one photo up so far, but I’m hoping to get more as the Grand Day approaches. We do have a few kids who are running around in white face with black detailing a la The Warriors. I guess they count as decoration, too.

  5. bitchcakes on Thu, 9th Oct 2008 2:19 pm
  6. My reason for loving Halloween is simple: CANDY. I’m a sugar-a-holic.

    I was also married on Halloween! At an S&M dungeon in NYC. Our only guest was our witness- a dominatrix friend of mine in a rubber dress. Good times…

    Anyway, I must see this house too! What an impressive display! Thanks for the heads up.

  7. rowan on Thu, 9th Oct 2008 6:49 pm
  8. oh excellent. i’ll take walk near it. my other favorite Halloween display is from my old neighborhood in Fort Greene. One family designed fantastic set-ups for their front yard and entire house. Themes included cemeteries based George Bush’s policies/mistakes or the Oscars. What made the displays even more impressive were the family’s 4 black cats who could be seen lounging on the steps or in windows. If you’re ever in the Fort Greene area, check out Clinton Ave, between DeKalb and Lafayette.

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