Sleephenge: The 8th Wonder Of The World

October 13, 2008 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

The last two weeks I have noticed A LOT of discarded mattresses gracing the sidewalks of Greenpoint. Initially I chalked it up to “moving day”. Now I have my doubts.

I encountered this impressive bedding behemoth— the Robert Scarano of sleeper super-structures— on Franklin Street between Green and Huron last night. I was aghast.

Even a chap walking his dog (as seen at the far left in this photograph) was taken by its majestic presence.

Egypt can keep its pyramids (as beautiful and wonderfully engineered as they are). It’s the 21st Century now and we need to adjust our expectations/criteria accordingly (READ: downward).

Behold The 8th Wonder of The World: Greenpoint’s very own Colossus of Abodes. Once slept on by humans, now it is affordable housing for bedbugs.

Miss Heather


2 Comments on Sleephenge: The 8th Wonder Of The World

  1. richardk on Mon, 13th Oct 2008 9:00 am
  2. There’s probably a surge in new mattress sales as people look for a safe place to put their money.

  3. nobugs on Mon, 13th Oct 2008 8:19 pm
  4. Unfortunately, someone will pick those mattresses up, sell them to mattress resellers for $15 a pop, and they will be re-sold to someone’s neighbors. If they have bed bugs now, they probably will then, too. And so will the new neighbors.

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