Manic Panicked: Miss Heather’s Amazing Discovery

January 10, 2008 by
Filed under: Long Island City 

I have been searching for a particular shade of Manic Panic for roughly 3 weeks. I will not say what color precipitated this quest because I don’t want people to know; they’d quickly figure out who I am and then I’d probably get deluged by people wanting autographs or (more likely) get spit on at the supermarket (I’m used to having lit cigarettes flung at me, so don’t even think about it). Let’s just say this hue is seemingly impossible to find. To this end I expanded my search to Manhattan. I even treaded north of 23rd Street; I am that desperate. All to no avail.

What do desperate people do when they have an itch they can’t scratch? They get on the Internets, that’s what! I checked out Manic Panic’s web site and learned they were having a sale at their headquarters this week.

And now for the punchline… (drumroll)
Here is where Tish and Snooky’s dream factory resides:

21-07 Borden Avenue
Floor 4
Long Island City, New York 11101

That’s right folks, in my own fucking backyard.

Today I ventured across the Pulaski Bridge into the disorienting wonderland that is Long Island City. And my quest came to an end.

Manic Panic HQ

I was blown away by the sheer amount of brightly-colored artificial joy that laid before my eyes. And yes, I found the hair dye I was looking for. I effused with joy when I said:

I have been looking for this everywhere! The local beauty supply in Greenpoint didn’t have it. King’s Pharmacy on Bedford didn’t either…

Female employee: Did you try Ricky’s
Miss H: Yes, neither the Ricky’s on Third Avenue in the East Village nor the one by Bryant Park had it.
Male employee: Well, isn’t there a Hot Topic or shopping mall near where you live?
Miss H (WTF?!?): No. Greenpoint is not a shopping mall kind of place.

Long story made short, I got my goodies at a phat discount. Those of you who are interested should venture over there and see for yourself. Other surprises await you as well:

Nobody Lets Baby Into the Elevator

You can learn more about “Baby” at Working Class Cats!

Miss Heather


5 Comments on Manic Panicked: Miss Heather’s Amazing Discovery

  1. hoho on Fri, 11th Jan 2008 1:43 pm
  2. I’ve heard about nobody putting baby in the corner, but the elevator? That’s new stuff to me.

  3. jukeboxgraduate on Fri, 11th Jan 2008 6:54 pm
  4. i believe the comment about a mall or a hot topic was intended to be an insult.

  5. missheather on Fri, 11th Jan 2008 7:22 pm
  6. I’m inclined to agree, Jukeboxgraduate. That said, I am not going to let one person with a rotten attitude ruin my good time.

  7. al oof on Mon, 14th Jan 2008 7:14 pm
  8. i don’t understand why the people at the freaking headquarters would see fit to insult someone who was trying to buy their product.

    where is the local greenpoint beauty supply place?

  9. missheather on Mon, 14th Jan 2008 7:29 pm
  10. Zoe’s Beauty Supply on Greenpoint Avenue (between Manhattan Avenue and Franklin):

    Great place. I get my hair done there. Only Toni touches my hair! 😉

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