Jaunt In Queens: A Garden Gnome Retrospective

July 11, 2008 by
Filed under: Queens 

Before going to this week’s Community Board 1 meeting the Mister and I took a jaunt in Queens. The week prior we were driven through Maspeth and I was smitten by the garden statuary. I simply had to return.

Welcome to Queens.

We like garden gnomes.

Be they sweeping…

sitting on the grass…

or fondling a rabbit’s ass.

Maspeth loves them some garden gnomes.

Big time.

The above gnomes grace this day care center. I realize the following anecdote will only resonate with the select few who were born in the 1970’s, but I’ll recount it anyway.

Ma Heather: If someone gives you pretty stickers, don’t lick the back of them.
L’il Heather: Why?
Ma Heather: Bad things will happen.

I never licked a sticker in my life and this freaks me out.

Big time.*

Miss Heather

*But I like Maspeth. A lot.


3 Comments on Jaunt In Queens: A Garden Gnome Retrospective

  1. bitchcakes on Fri, 11th Jul 2008 12:08 pm
  2. haha, I enjoyed this post *and* got the reference.

  3. lisanne therese on Sat, 12th Jul 2008 12:32 am
  4. Well there are (or were) a lot of old germans living in Maspeth so that’s where the gnome love may be coming from and as far as the stamp licking, even though i grew up in thee 70’s, my parents were too old to know about stuff like that so I ended up licking a lot of stamps. and i liked it. a lot. perhaps maybe a bit too much.

    once i licked some stamps and i dropped a lollypop on a rug and it sounded like 20 windows shattering. Once i licked some stamps and i went to see lydia lunch and i threw a can of budweiser at her… and i think she liked it!

    Imagine licking some stamps and walking through Maspeth? Or maybe mushrooms (on a slice of pizza of course!) would be a better choice!

  5. missheather on Sat, 12th Jul 2008 9:48 am
  6. Yeah, my mom was all over the sticker situation but didn’t notice the time I had gotten my hands on a tube of thalo blue paint. Until, that is, I had managed to open it, stick it in my mouth and smash it with both hands, thus covering my entire face/mouth with paint. Go figure.

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