New York Shitty Day Ender: Muddy Fun

August 20, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11232, Sunset Park, Sunset Park Brooklyn 

Rounding out today’s posts I present to you a photograph of the incredibly cute little fella to whom I alluded in this post. Have a fun and safe weekend, everybody!

Miss Heather

P.S.: Special thanks go out to Carnade for allowing me to post this image!

Urban Fur: Meet The Iron Lady

August 18, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11232, Sunset Park, Sunset Park Brooklyn 

This afternoon/evening yours truly went on a photo walk with a frequent contributor of my photo pool: Carnade. Knowing my affection for Mexican culinary items we decided to check out Sunset Park. He played tour guide. Where he went, I followed. One of the stops we made was at the above bodega: Sam’s Grocery. It is, as I learned, a very curious place. For starters I met Sam: he is Lebanese. For those of you playing along at home (and to make it perfectly clear) we are in a bodega which sells Mexican groceries whose (very nice) proprietor hails from the Middle East. Stuff such as this is why I love New York City. But it gets much more interesting, as you will see.

Meet Sam’s bodega cat in residence. Carnade inquired as to what this fetching feline’s name was.


Sam replied. Carnade and I couldn’t believe what we just heard so we asked again.

Thatcher, you know after the British Prime Minister. It’s a nice name, yes?

Sam said.

Me (once I absorbed what I have just heard):

I guess it depends on one’s politics.

Then Carnade asked the $64,000 question:

Do you like Margaret Thatcher?

To wit Sam gave the coup de grace:

No, I hate her.

And then he proceeded to explain why. Inasmuch I could ascertain Sam’s dislike of Ms. Thatcher had something to do with Cyprus. Exactly why Sam elected to name this (very friendly) cat after the Iron Lady remains a mystery. Methinks it is probably better that way.

Miss Heather

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