Via The North Brooklyn Community Group: Alert!

This item comes from (no kidding) C-Town’s Tumblr page. Please, please exercise caution when out and about ladies— especially late at night! In closing, I will leave you with some food for thought: Diane Jackson (of the Cooper Houses) has been very vocal at 94th Precinct Community council meetings about criminal activity in her corner of the neighborhood. Some of these incidences have been very violent:


Neither the Cooper Houses nor the homeless shelter at the former Greenpoint Hospital are very far from where these women are being assaulted. Whether or not the same guys are responsible is anyone’s guess. However, it does make it all too clear that people— especially senior citizens and women— who live in this area need to be very, VERY vigilant of their surroundings and exercise caution. Stay safe, folks!

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Pay Phone du Jour: Montrose Avenue

Taken February 9, 2011.

Miss Heather

East Williamsburg Photos Du Jour: Zeitgeist

I could tell something was afoot when I passed a youth wearing a t-shirt which read as follows:








Have a nice day.

If there’s one thing I have observed about East Williamsburg over the years it is its citizens do not mince words. This is a large reason why I find this neighborhood so endearing: they say whatever is on their mind. CASES IN POINT:

I encounter this pup on Lorimer Street. When I inquired of his “person” as to what his friend’s name was he replied:

Give me your phone number.

To wit I replied:

If he has a cell phone— and I trust he does— I’ll be more than happy to program it into his phone since I have opposable thumbs.

It took a moment, but he got the joke and ‘fessed up that this— his— dog has no name. He asked me to give him one— and I did: Amos. As I have mentioned fairly recently, I grew up with a bulldog with just this name as a kid. That was a good enough reason as any so it stands: Amos it is!

Montrose Avenue

While no explanation is given methinks what happened here is pretty clear: this person had his (her?) bike stolen. I can only wonder what Janice Sadik Khan would think of this. But I digress. As I continued down the street— pondering the fact this act of theft came to pass a mere five minute walk from the 90th Precinct all the while— I stumbled upon this.

Wow, they really do have a problem here.

I thought to myself. And this.


And last— but hardly least— this find from Graham Avenue

I will readily admit my command of Spanish (or pretty much anything for that matter) was not up to par today— it was one of those days. We all have them. But the message gets across nonetheless.

I love a happy ending! *sigh*

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Party At 66 North 1st Street?

August 1, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11211, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

As noted on Brownstoner this property has had a rather troubled history. Nonetheless 66 North 1 Street recently went back on the market— and as of two weeks ago had nine units in contract. If my inbox is any indication, I’d hazard to guess at least one of them has sold.

Anonymous writes (in an email written at 7:24 this morning and is entitled “Al Fresco Dance Party”):

My wife and I and our 16 month old daughter have been kept up all night by a quite clearly illegal dance party hosted in a stalled condo project on North 1st, between kent and wythe I called the police a total of 4 times during the night, and 311 as well. Do you know how to get hold of the details of the owners of buildings like this ? Also, is there anything we can do as members of the community ? Community board meetings or similar? It’s 7.30 and it’s still going on. I’m concerned that if they think the cops are powerless, they will carry on for the rest of the summer. If they do, we’re moving out. Any suggestions you could make would be greatly appreciated.

Um, is that lady wearing a boa? On a Sunday?

Not just one— not just two— but three turntables. This is one professional operation!

He goes on to write:

90th were on the case last night apparently. They sent out cars 3/4 times apparently and just asked them to turn it down (?!?!)… Actually got in touch with the developers.

Anonymous has called the police and contacted the developer of this property. This is a good start. Regrettably the police did not fix the problem and exactly how the developer will respond remains to be seen. I would recommend he follow-up at the next 90th Precinct Community Council meeting. If my memory serves me correctly the 94th (which I am much more familiar with) does not conduct meetings in August. Therefore, I would encourage him to call their Community Affairs Office at: (718) 963 – 5309 and learn when the next meeting is scheduled (I’m guessing September).

Although this is clearly a police matter, attending the next Community Board 1 meeting might also be worth Anonymous’s time. The next combined public hearing/board meeting will be September 15, 2010 starting at 6:30 p.m. (NOTE/CAVEAT: you must sign up to speak by or before 6:00 p.m.). In the meantime CB1 can be contacted via email at:

bk01(at) cb (dot) nyc (dot) gov

Other resources/contacts I’d recommend are:

  1. His local City Councilman, who happens to be Steve Levin. His district office can be reached via telephone at: (718) 875-5200
  2. And of course there is his local state Assemblyman, Joe Lentol. His office can be reached via telephone at (718) 383-7474.
  3. Lastly, Anonymous’s State Assemblyman is Daniel Squadron. His office can be contacted via email at: squadron (at) senate (dot) state (dot) ny (dot) us

This is just a short list. Anyone out there have advice to tender? If so please submit them via comments or email at: missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com. Your identity will remain anonymous if you so desire. In closing it goes without saying that Anonymous could contact the neighbors in question. My recommendation would be to wait a few more hours. They’re probably sleeping.

Miss Heather

UPDATE, 6:20 p.m.: An eagle-eyed reader (and I would presume, disgruntled neighbor) writes:

That stupid party at 66 North 1st finally stopped at 9 am. Did you notice the 2 gas cylinders on either side of the DJ table? I wonder if they’re oxygen, acetylene, or maybe nitrous oxide?

I have now! This latest revelation has been a source of serious debate between the Mister and me. He says they’ve been “huffing”. I beg to differ. Being the kind of gal who likes to see the glass gas tank as “half full” I prefer to see these tanks filling balloons for Chelsea Clinton’s wedding reception. Is the barefoot woman in white Hillary? One can only hope so. After all, Willyburg already has one Bill— what’s another one?

Update, 8:40 p.m.: Per a commenter no one lives in this building at all! And so the mystery of the 66 North 1st Street “party” continues. It is also interesting to note a complaint was filed on June 9, 2010 stating this was a derelict construction site. The Department of Building’s inspection (which dates from July 14, 2010) is as follows:


Update, August 2, 2010: and now a word from this building’s PR firm…

I handle the public relations for 66 North1st, and I just saw the recent post on 66 North 1st. Wanted to let you know that it was definitely not a pr/sales stunt and the brokers truly had no idea. This party was held without permission from the owners and without management’s knowledge…

Update, August 3, 2010: it would appear this was the second party thrown at this nondo. A tipster writes:

That was the second of those parties at 66 North 1st. The first was a month or two ago. It was just as loud, but must have ended sometime during the night, because I couldn’t hear it in the morning.

But it was definitely at that location, because I could see the lights in the back yard.

Photo Credits: 66 North 1 Street thumbnail comes courtesy of Brownstoner.

From The New York Shitty Inbox: A Shooting On Ainslie Street?

June 28, 2009 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 

J writes:

Any information on the shooting that happened last night around 11:30ish at the St. Cono di Teggiano Club at 231 Ainslie St?  I was watching a movie in an apartment nearby when I heard something that sounded like a gun shot, followed by a large crowd, several officers, two ambulances, and a some crime scene tape.  I didn’t go out to find out what was going on for fear of my own life…

My, my, my this summer is shaping up to be a fun one. Anyone out there have the 411 about this latest “incident” in North Brooklyn? If so please share via the comments. Inquiring minds want to know!

Miss Heather

Attention All Urban Photographers & Street Art Enthusiasts

April 24, 2009 ·
Filed under: Culture War, Street Art, Williamsburg 


If you happen to be on River Street do not take a picture of this.


And sure as hell don’t shutterbug this.

Why, you ask? Because if you do it might result in you (and your husband) being questioned by New York’s Finest as to what you are doing. This is what happened to the Mister and I this evening.


Hello there, we see you’re taking photographs— why?

Miss Heather: I think the shadows and diagonals are visually pleasing.


We saw you take photographs of graffiti back there.

Miss Heather: Yeah, someone spray-painted the word “meat” on the wall and I found it interesting.

Because it’s sort of “beefy”?

Miss Heather: Exactly. I happen to be a vegetarian.

Seeing where this conversation was headed (nowhere good— and soon) the Mister jumped in and after some more “dialoging”, they left us to go about our business. Inasmuch as interfacing with the NYPD can be amicable it was: tense, but polite. Still the experience left me wondering:


Perhaps these chaps have been instructed to watch photographers— especially those who happen to document “graffiti”? The only logic at work here I can think of is the presumption that when people (such as myself) document this stuff it is going to somehow encourage the people responsible for it to continue their nefarious work (and, in so doing, lower everyone’s “quality of life”). I suppose this is possible. BUT


it’s been my experience that derelict buildings (of which north Brooklyn has many— such as the one above example which is located around the corner) do more than their fair share of lowering my quality of life.


Nice, eh?


The above can be found on the front door of this Kent Street deadiface. Call me subversive, but I don’t really see how this could possibly be construed as making this building an eyesore. It has achieved that very readily on its own. Rather smashingly, I will add. One piece of street art graffiti isn’t going to make any difference; if anything the above bit of mischief adds some sorely needed “value” to this turd. It certainly makes me smile, anyway.

Speaking of which, a building doesn’t have to be old and decrepit to elicit social commentary, oh, I mean graffiti.



CASE IN POINT: Northside Piers.

Miss Heather

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