Much Ado About Film Shoots

February 11, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

fringegubatronnysMany of you are undoubtedly aware that my buddy over at Neighborhood Threat was less than pleased with last month’s film shoot for Fringe on her block. In fact she has even blogged about it. Twice. I can’t honestly say I blame her. If I had to listen to a car chase being filmed at 3:30 a.m. (as seen in the photograph at left taken by Gubatron) I would be less than pleased.

Well, now thanks to the wonder that is the Internet she has learned another voice has been raised in opposition to film shoots in Greenpoint. I’ll let her take it from there:

…I have sympathy for residents unhappy about filming (especially when Fringe AND Life On Mars are back at Franklin & Greenpoint one day after the other – Life On Mars needs A LOT of space for all its vintage cars, but I don’t have sympathy for one group of people in Greenpoint:

Construction companies…

Not just any construction company either: but the one responsible for the condofication of 1 Hanson Place. Read about Neighborhood Threat’s most curious discovery for yourself by clicking here.

Miss Heather

Williamspoint Photos Du Jour: Snow

January 12, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

Today I am going to kick things off with a few photographs I took of this weekend’s snowstorm. Enjoy!


From North 14th Street.


From Wythe Avenue.


From Banker Street.


From Franklin Street.

Miss Heather

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