Greenpoint Gets A Little More Caffeinated

February 23, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


Although I did not have the time to check out this establishment yesterday (I was in a rush to get to the new and improved Cup Of Joe’s* to order a blueberry pie for the Mister) I wanted my fellow Greenpointers to know the space formerly occupied by Brooklynski has— at long last— a new tenant: Lucky Shot Espresso. I suspect I speak for many when I say this establishment (Cup of Joe’s and Boneshakers) are much needed additions to this seriously under-serviced section of Greenpoint.

If anyone reading this post has given Lucky Shot a shot and would like to share his/her experience please do so in the comments. I would love to hear what you have to say! Thanks.

Lucky Shot
145 Driggs Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Miss Heather

*Click here to see pictures and a menu!

A Greenpoint Blind Item: What’s Up At 85 Driggs Avenue?

February 19, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

piethumbnailA number of you who reside around McGolrick Park have probably noticed that business has not been as usual (if “usual” it ever was— it’s always been closed when I have walked by) down at Cup of Joes. This is because it isn’t: the space has been sublet to a new business.  More specifically one operated by a very talented baker, fellow Greenpointer and all-around very nice person (whose sumptuous product can be seen at left).

Anyone care to guess who it is?

The more impatient among you can get the reveal by clicking here. Or better yet— why not head down to 85 Driggs Avenue and see for yourself. Trust me: TASTING IS TRULY BELIEVING!

The Place Formerly known as Cup of Joe’s
85 Driggs Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Tell ’em Miss Heather sent you!

Miss Heather

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