Urban Fur: Flatbush Avenue

September 7, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11217, Prospect Heights, Prospect Heights Brooklyn, Urban Fur 

Flatbush Avenue nys

Taken September 7, 2014.

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Brooklyn Botanic Garden

June 10, 2014 ·
Filed under: Brooklyn, New York City, Stuff That Makes Miss Heather Happy 

Taken by Michael.

New York Shitty Photo Du Jour: Brooklyn Botanic Garden

May 22, 2014 ·
Filed under: Brooklyn, Prospect Heights, Prospect Heights Brooklyn 


Special thanks goes out to Brenda Becker for granting me permission to share this lovely photo!

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Fall Leaves

November 3, 2013 ·
Filed under: Brooklyn, New York City, Prospect Heights, Prospect Heights Brooklyn 

Fall Leaves

Taken by thoth1618.

Quicklink: $ame $ong, Different Ver$e

August 23, 2013 ·
Filed under: Crown Heights, Crown Heights Brooklyn, Flatbush, Flatbush Brooklyn 


Please do read this post authored by my colleague (and all-around great guy) Flatbush Gardener. Here’s a teaser:

For the past several years, under the guise of its “Campaign for the Next Century,” the Brooklyn Botanic Garden has been in a development frenzy – the Edibles/Kitchen Garden, The Visitor Center, the Native Flora Garden Expansion, the planned overhaul of the Children’s Corner at Flatbush and Parkside. At the same time, it has been gradually eroding its scientific and educational missions.

BBG claims these benefits for its “Campaign”:

… these enhancements will help the Garden … [foster] a love and understanding of plants and the natural world and inspiring the next generation of environmental stewards.
– “Vision,” Campaign for the Next Century, Brooklyn Botanic Garden [Emphasis added]What relevant understanding of “plants and the natural world” is possible without science? What inspiration can be found when science is valued less than a plot of Lilacs?

Excellent question.


From The New York Shitty Photo Pool, Part II: Tulips


Taken by thoth1618.

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Bloom!




Taken by Emily Raw.

A Trip Down Dog Shit Row

April 9, 2009 ·
Filed under: Dog Shit, Dung of the Day, Other Shit 


A recurring theme brought up at Bob’s memorial last week was how the Internet can bring like-minded people together. This was certainly the case after the service: at long last I finally had the opportunity to meet the brains behind some of my favorite blogs*. We were present that Saturday afternoon for one reason: to celebrate Bob’s life and work as yes, grieve.

Thankfully not all web comradeship is so serious in nature. Take my friend Yotidadnmom, for example. He first entered my life via an email entitled how’s this for shitty, took it with my cell phone, sorry for the poor quality. Attached was one of the most revolting and substantial bowel movements I have ever seen (Caution: click the previous link at your own risk). After regaining my composure (and lunch) I replied as follows:

Looks like someone needs to eat more fiber. Where, may I ask, did you find this?

To wit he replied:

I’m a construction worker who does station rehabs for the MTA i find shit on walls columns, tunnels etc etc .. i’ll send u pics of shit as i find em…

Impressed and intrigued I wrote back:

Man, I bet you see all sorts of crazy shit. Thanks!

u have no idea .. big shit , small shit , smelly shit , rat shit, people shit , soft shit ,hard shit ….god i work in a world of shit

he replied. The previous dialog came to pass in May of 2008 and ever since I will occasionally find some new piece of “treasure” my intrepid turd enthusiast has found for my edification waiting for me in my inbox. Usually first thing in the morning over my first cup of coffee.

This week, mercifully enough, my Internet friend did not send me a jpg. Rather, he sent me a solitary link in an email entitled Thought of You. Curious to see what my brother in bowel movements had discovered, I pointed and clicked my way over to Brooklynian. Here is what I found:


Now I have seen a lot of shitty sidewalks in my day. For this reason I have a certain amount of cynicism when someone calls this (or her) block in this case St. Mark’s Avenue between Grand and Classon Avenue, “Dog Shit Row”. Wishing to see how shitty this street really was I dusted off my Metrocard and checked it out for myself. Follows is what I found. Enjoy!

Is this the shittiest block I have ever seen? Not by a long shot. Nonetheless I’d be very mindful of where I step if I were you!

Miss Heather

*Like Best View In Brooklyn, for example. And while I am on the subejct I’d like to thank Nicole Davis of Brooklyn Based for the amazing work she did on this event— she was sort of overlooked at the service. Great job!

New York Shitty Day Ender: Zoo York

April 8, 2009 ·
Filed under: Brooklyn, Clinton Hill, Greenpoint Magic, Park Slope, Williamsburg 


5th Avenue


Washington Avenue


St. Mark’s Avenue



Bedford Avenue



Metropolitan Avenue


North 1 Street


Nassau Avenue


Manhattan Avenue

Miss Heather

Dog Doo Signs Du Jour: For The Love Of Big Brother

April 7, 2009 ·
Filed under: Brooklyn, Williamsburg 




This winsome trio hails from none other than Maujer Street in East Williamsburg. Granted, the latter most does not purport to be “watching you” but it has a certain menacing quality I found noteworthy. Whoever crafted this sign not only took a great deal of time to scallop the edges (nice touch) but he (or she) also appears to be unaware that driving six nails and screws into a tree is probably as unhealthy— if not more s0— than getting showers of the golden variety from the local canines.

Speaking of unhealthy, I am going to close this post with one of the most hardcore dog doo deterrents I have ever beheld. It hails from Washington Avenue, 11238.


They raise ’em tough in Prospect Heights.



Miss Heather

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