The Word On The Street: FRI$KY BU$INE$$

As spied on Essex Street. While I am on the subject, I would like to give a shout out to Curtis & Kuby’s Facebook page. Today the latter was kind enough to share my “product”!. I quickly discerned this when I received an inquiry. It goes as follows:

Please tell me the stop & frisk snowglobe is a real product. How does one go about acquiring one or two?

I have assured this gentleman that this snow globe is quite real. Nevertheless, the latter is an excellent question. One quite frankly I had not pondered. This in large part because I have so much darned fun making these bad boys (and girls). In any case, here’s the deal:

  • Inasmuch as I would like to do a flat rate price by size (of globe), the fact of the matter is some are more costly to make in terms of material and labor than others. Thus…
  • they will be priced accordingly and on a case by case basis.
  • Anyone interested in purchase a snow globe should contact me via email at: missheather (at) newyorkshitty (dot) com. Please be sure to indicate which one you are interested in.
  • All transactions and donations (Yes, I have had folks ask if they can help finance this venture) will be conducted via PayPal. My account is the previously listed email address.
  • I suppose it would be helpful if a provided a link to my “product”. This photo set shows what I have created, what I am presently working on, the “process” in all its fun and frustration. I update it on a fairly regular basis— so check back periodically!

Presently I am working on a snow globe which explores the phenomenon of “indecent exposure” and how technology (smart phones in particular) has shifted the “balance of power” so to speak from the “flasher” to the “flashee”. This seems to have resulted in more responsiveness to this kind of thing from our constabulary. As you can see, gentle readers this chap is exposing himself to mixed reactions from his “audience”. Two have elected to run away, one is reading him the riot act and another is calmly documenting it on her smart phone (from hence it will undoubtedly find its way onto the Internet).

On the “to do” list:

  • Occupy Wall Street: I suspect this will be a series.
  • This guy.
  • Alec Baldwin getting arrested for bicycling down Fifth Avenue the wrong way.


I think we can all agree this needs to happen. In closing (and on a related note) I would like to give a shout out to this rather nifty endeavor which is presently on view in Long Island City.

Get Small

You can get the skinny on Mr. Stojak’s project by clicking here. Check it out!

Credits/Props: Image of Mr. Baldwin and New York’s Finest comes courtesy of InTouch magazine via CBS News. Image of Mr. Stojak’s work comes courtesy of Last— but hardly least— a shout out of thanks goes out to Queens Crap for bringing Mr. Stojak’s wonderful work to my attention!

New York Shitty Photos Du Jour: SOLD!

May 17, 2014 ·
Filed under: BAD ASS, New York City, Stuff That Makes Miss Heather Happy 

Although the bloggage has been sparse of late I can assure you, gentle readers, much has come to pass. One such example is delivering a snow globe to my first client! I will not go into the terms of the sale to Mr. Kuby— that is our business— other than to note one of my stipulations was I get to take and publish photos of him enjoying his purchase (which will grace his desk). Hence this post.

I think he likes it!

The Word On The Street, Part II: STOP


Taken August 29, 2013.

Spotted On 6th Avenue: “Quitler”




Wailing Wall 1

Wailing Wall 2


This Jeff Boss fellow has a lot on his mind. Exactly what this stuff is, I cannot say I comprehend. However, he may be onto something— however hyperbolic— regarding Christine Quinn and “stop and Frisk”. Hey, even a broken clock tell the correct time twice a day…

Quicklink, Part II: Stop, Frisk & Penalize

July 22, 2012 ·
Filed under: Bronx, Brooklyn, Hunts Point, Hunts Point Bronx, New York City 

(Or: Beauty, Revisited)

Beauty: Hunts Point, Bronx

Some of you might recall this photo of her which I shared just shy of two months ago. About Beauty, Chris Arnade, wrote:

Beauty, 21, was born and raised in Oklahoma, and was brought to New York City by a pimp who promised her she could “make some mad money.” She has since had nine pimps: “I have been through nine niggas. Got my first black eye from one, another punched me in mouth, but this guy is good to me.”

Her mother was an addict. “She started using crack. That’s when it all started, the walls started coming in on me. Now she is incarcerated. I can’t blame my mom–she’s my mom. I smoke weed, but not crack. I don’t like that peppermint burning smell.”

“I want to get out of this stuff, but I am scared. I guess I could stop at any time. Some of the guys tell me I could be a model. Money wise it’s good, but otherwise, fuck Hunts Point. Maybe I can become an RN, or go into childcare.”

When I asked her how she wanted to be described she said, “I’m a good person. I don’t like to see anyone down. I like to make people happy.”

Today Chris emailed me an update about Beauty. The subject line of his email was as follows:

Not sure if you ever do links

On occasion, I do. Given his tome pertains to “stop and frisk” (which is exercised quite liberally in the 90th Precinct)— one of the most odious assaults on our civil rights and an enabler for racial profiling—  I will. Follows is an excerpt from his tome:

I was talking to Beauty as she sat on the concrete wall outside of Lafayette Park, across from the methadone clinic in Hunts Point. She is an addict and sex worker. Two officers approached and asked me to stand aside so they could question Beauty. What was her name? Where was she from? What was in her cup? “Soda” (they smelled, yes soda). Did she have any outstanding warrants? Let me see your bag? Why are your shoes off? “I am hot and relaxing.” A few minutes later she is charged with disorderly conduct.  Her conduct then was about as disorderly as mine, but her past conduct far more. This is a common occurrence for the addicts, homeless and sex workers in Hunts Point. It is more than stop and frisk: It’s stop, frisk, and penalize.

These nuisance tickets, such as disorderly conduct, come with a future court date, that if missed, turns into an outstanding warrant. With little legal help and a very long rap sheet, few addicts will fight them. 

How is this helpful to either the community or the addict…

Excellent question, Mr. Arnade.




From The New York Shitty Photo Pool, Part I: Skin

July 6, 2012 ·
Filed under: New York City 


Taken by greenelent.

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