Reader Contribution du Jour: Attention Ladies!

If there is one thing your truly values it is honesty— and honesty is what this missive is all about! As you can see this gentleman (?) is not so much concerned with the itinerary of said date (I for one found “window shopping”, “the library” and “the zoo” novel suggestions). Rather, the emphasis is placed upon:

  1. there only being one date.
  2. females need only apply.

No hidden agendas. No mind-games. No muss. No fuss. Just a “nite” (and perhaps some cake and ice cream) to remember!

Any ladies wishing to take Mr. Right (now) up on his offer should be advised to head to the Clinton-Washington stop of the C train (which is where this is located). Good luck!

Photo Credits: Props go to Jeremy for discovering and granting me permission to share this wonder find. Thanks!

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