Halloween Video du Jour: Miss Heather Goes To Clinton Hill

October 30, 2008 by
Filed under: Area 51, Greenpoint Magic, Vomit 

Yesterday it came to my attention via Gothamist that some folks had the temerity to say Greenpoint Halloween goodness is second to that to be found in Clinton Hill. hulaedwyn wrote:

This is pretty great, but IMHO, the house at 313 Clinton Ave in Brooklyn is better. And they have a show.

rarelement kicks it up a notch by stating:

This is NOTHING. Come to Clinton Avenue between DeKalb and Lafayette in Brooklyn on Halloween night…

Sure, Clinton Hill may roll out a good show come Halloween— but what about decapitated heads puking up blood? Satanic clowns? Or green vomit? This is the stuff the Garden Spot of the Universe is made of dear readers —and not exclusively on October 31 either! In my fair burgh every day is Halloween.

To this end I whipped out my Metrocard and headed down to Clinton Hill to see what all the fuss was about.

It is not my wish to diss my fellow G train travelers to the south. Rather, I suspect they espouse a different philosophy than we do up north. Namely, they think Halloween is for kids.

chuzzlewit got it right when she wrote about the above menagerie:

we live close to here, every october my daughter wants to move. we spend the whole month talking her down.

Night terrors and bed-wetting are what Halloween is really about. To Greenpoint adults, anyway.

Humor your neighbors to the north, Clinton Hill. We have beheld the true face of terror: it has six legs and a taste for blood!

Miss Heather

P.S.: You can see pix from my brief Clinton Hill excursion by clicking here.


3 Comments on Halloween Video du Jour: Miss Heather Goes To Clinton Hill

  1. SouthOfNYC on Thu, 30th Oct 2008 10:06 am
  2. I haven’t commented much of late but I do browse your blog frequently and have been enjoying the great Halloween pictures. You are an artist with your camera!

  3. rowan on Thu, 30th Oct 2008 6:25 pm
  4. i used to live a few blocks away from the house on Clinton Ave. i loved their display – which was enhanced even more by the family’s 4 black cats. hope you got to see them!

  5. missheather on Thu, 30th Oct 2008 6:26 pm
  6. I actually caught one of them in my video!

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