Choice Pickin’s From The Greenpoint Grapevine

October 30, 2008 by
Filed under: Area 51, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

A good friend of mine recently asked me if I had seen this. In fact, I had. But the Gowanus Lounge beat me to the punch writing an angry missive about it. Nonetheless my favorite passage from David Yassky’s apologia for selling us out reads as follows:

In the supermarket, a few days before the vote, an older man approached me, told me he had voted for me, and told me he didn’t like the term limits extension. But then he said: “Whatever you do, I trust you to do the right thing”.

“Older men” in “supermarkets” do not a constituency make, Dave. I find the previous variety of pedantic and paternalistic pud-yanking not only self-indulgent but also condescending. Politicos who rattle off such rhetoric do not engender my trust. I am not an “older man” in your “supermarket.” I am an angry 30-something broad in Greenpoint. I seriously doubt you’d rub elbows with the like of me. Do you remember Greenpoint, Yassky? What about 184 Kent Street in Williamsburg? Or did Ken Fisher and 184 Kent Avenue Associates help you to forget? In any case, I haven’t.

The fact of the matter is I do not have a set opinion on term limits for the simple reason it is dependent on whose term one seeks to limit. Incompetent and/or corrupt officials should be disposed of post haste; good ones should have a shot at a third term. It’s the way Bloomie, you, et. al. went about it that irks me, Dave.

But I do know that we are in a period of extraordinary challenge, and that voters may well value stability and experience in the City government.

Cloaking one’s hypocrisy with self-righteous rhetoric and trumping the “fear” card only pisses me off more. What’s more, I am not alone. This city will go on without you.

Anonymous writes:

I’m writing you because I got a crazy idea in my head last week: I’m going to run for the city’s 33rd council seat (Yassky’s). I’m openly pandering for a Newyorkshitty endorsement. I honestly think that if I lined up the support of bloggers from Greenpoint to Brooklyn Heights, I might have a snowball’s chance of unseating a two term incumbent.*

The petition to get on the democratic ticket will not be circulated until next June, so I’ve got some time to line up support and I’m starting with you. As for a platform, I’m going to be running on my unequaled building code and zoning expertise. Considering the rampant development in CC District 33, I think I’m the best person to reign in development in the ‘hood…

I will not divulge the identity of this pretender to David Yassky’s throne but I will toss out a few deets:

  1. He/she is a Greenpointer.
  2. He/she is qualified to hold his office.
  3. He/she is sick of Yassky’s shit.

As am I. How about you?

Miss Heather

*Or give Yassky the hell he so richly deserves.

P.S.: Those of you who are interested to know how Wolf Block/Ken Fisher has played for pay in this city (and beyond) should click here. It ain’t just north Brooklyn kiddos! Ken’s one busy boy!


3 Comments on Choice Pickin’s From The Greenpoint Grapevine

  1. neighborhood threat on Thu, 30th Oct 2008 10:57 am
  2. if it is who i think it is, he would also have my endorsement, and my vote. in fact there are two people i have in my mind and that applies to both of them.

  3. deltron on Thu, 30th Oct 2008 12:41 pm
  4. I know who said anonymous is and he’s got my endorsement, I’m even changing my voter registration so I can vote in the primary for him.

  5. suzyO on Thu, 30th Oct 2008 8:48 pm
  6. “pedantic and paternalistic pud-yanking” – BRILLIANT! you, miss heather are pretty, pugnacious, and … uh … pie. that’s all i got.

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