This Greenpoint moment is brought to you by…

May 11, 2007 by
Filed under: Area 51 

Drunk dude on Manhattan Avenue

some drunk dude.

Every so often I find myself wondering “Perhaps I am a little hard on Greenpoint?” I mean, there’s got to be other ‘nabes that have a shitload drunks passed out in strange public places, right? Then when I see something like what I captured in the above photo (which I took while walking home from work at 1:30 p.m. today) I realize any doubts I may have been harboring are completely baseless. For fuck’s sake, a dude was tazered about 10 feet from this exact spot a couple of months ago! What is it about this intersection?

That said, one thing you do not see in this photo are the roughly twenty gawkers watching this drama unfold. In all honesty, a drunk passing out in the middle of Green Street doesn’t faze me. I have grown to accept that living in Greenpoint means I will see shit like this on occasion. As long as medical attention is called, all is hunky dory in my world.

What I do NOT like are the flocks on onlookers who (clearly having nothing better to do) stand there like a bunch of cigar store Indians savoring every last abject detail. One of the men rendering aid in the above photo (the man wearing the yellow tunic) isn’t even a resident of Greenpoint: he’s a contractor doing work for the MTA.

What the fuck is wrong with these people?


Miss Heather


One Comment on This Greenpoint moment is brought to you by…

  1. Dope on the Slope on Fri, 11th May 2007 4:31 pm
  2. In all honesty, a drunk passing out in the middle of Green Street doesn’t faze me.

    Alas, it’s all part of the beauty of urban living, and I mean that sincerely. My block is in the heart of the yuppiest part of Park Slope, and there are at least one or two guys passed out (or maybe sleeping) in front of the Old First Reformed Church everyday. Rarely are they what I would call dead drunk, but I have seen a few altercations break out on the corner. No tazers though.

    I enjoyed your shout-out at the Blog Fest last night and I appreciated your comment about the South Brooklyn-centric nature of the proceedings. Of course, that’s more an accident of the festivals origins than anything else. It strikes me that the best way to ensure that future events are more representative is to hold them at venues all around the borough. I think Greenpoint would be an excellent candidate for the next one.

    Also, I’m trying together a podcast featuring interviews from some of the attendees at this year’s festival. I would really like to branch out beyond Ratnerville and real-estate prices in the subject matter. E- mail me if you would be willing to be interviewed.



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