Shmoo Tits

June 20, 2007 by
Filed under: Area 51 

Those of you who have ever wondered if female shmoos have tits (and you know who you are), the answer is “yes”. One tit, to be exact.

Shmoo Tits

Rebecca11222 (who submitted this priceless photo) writes:

Am I supposed to be aroused by that? Like I really should rest my sexy but then that shmoo uni-boob made me wet?

To wit, I replied:

Maybe it would pump a male shmoo’s ‘nads. If male shmoos have ‘nads.

After recently learning that an online dominitrix used one of my poop pictures to torment her “slave”, I have ceased to discount any form of sexual activity as being too perverse to be plausible. If I find out that this woman received compensation for her services and saw fit not to compensate me for the use of one of my photographs, I’m gonna get HELLA PISSED. But I digress.

Anyone into single-titted shmoos, go on down to Union Square and knock yourself out*. Don’t mistake the previous tip as an indication that I want to hear about your tryst: I don’t.

Miss Heather

*Come to think of it, maybe Mel Gibson didn’t call the female police officer “sugar tits” after all. Maybe he wanted him some shmoo tits and (being drunk) it just came out wrong.


One Comment on Shmoo Tits

  1. Rebecca11222 on Wed, 20th Jun 2007 9:26 pm
  2. Someone has posited that this is a pigeon rather than a schmoo (it’s a beak; not a mouth)


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