Working Class Cats

July 3, 2007 by
Filed under: Area 51 

I learned about this web site recently. It’s pretty cute, do check it out. Even though Julie (Miss Heather’s all-time favorite shop cat) has retired to Kensington, the Greenpoint shop cat scene is still going strong. I came across one such working class cat today. And this is one feline you do NOT want to fuck with.

You will die

Go ahead and report her… but only if you feel lucky.

Well, do ya punk?!?

Miss Heather


3 Comments on Working Class Cats

  1. Brooklyn Bitch on Tue, 3rd Jul 2007 1:45 pm
  2. I wouldn’t call this kitty in.
    And, not because I’m fearful of her wrath. I feel, and correct me if I’m wrong, in most bodegas cats are an integral part of keeping vermin to a minimum. And I fuckin’ hate vermin.
    Snack away puss-puss.

  3. missheather on Tue, 3rd Jul 2007 2:06 pm
  4. Yeah, it’s not like she’s shitting on someone’s stoop— or *GASP*— DRAWING ON TREES WITH SIDEWALK CHALK.

  5. Rebecca11222 on Wed, 4th Jul 2007 6:25 pm
  6. I suddenly realize that I don’t need to buy that toilet paper after all.

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