Belvedere XX

July 11, 2007 by
Filed under: Area 51 

This morning it was brought to my attention that Brownstoner has discovered *gasp* a new Karl Fischer building in Greenpoint!

Fort Apache, The ‘Point

Uh, if my memory serves me correctly, the crappy condo construction site in question (AKA: Fort Apache, the ‘Point) has been creeping along for at least 1 1/2 years. Breaking news this edifice decidedly is not. But I do not want to suggest this feature isn’t worth reading. The comments are friggin’ hilarious. For example:

…I have heard that it no longer is residential project and may be an Orthodox Temple now.


I’d actually wish for taller, more evil buildings along McGuinness if you gave me the chance. Greenpoint has sixteen-story towers going up on well-trafficked side streets, but McGuinness is really a barren place, and is a perfect contender for higher densities. At some point in the distant future, it could be an attractive boulevard people walk down, even — but scattershot small-scale buildings aren’t gonna do it. I’d actually like to see detached six-to-eight-story apartment buildings with retail, or something, like the one they’re building at McG and Driggs.

Um, okay. Anyone who has an idea this stupid and implausible should be forced to live in one of these piece of shit buildings.

On the first or second floor.

Facing the waste treatment plant.


Anyhoo, another (and in my opinion more important) detail Brownstoner missed is what’s going up next door.

A new Belvedere?!?

Could it be???

Belvedere XX


Ladies and gentleman! It gives me great pleasure to introduce to you… BELVEDERE XX!


Miss Heather

P.S.: Be sure to check out my updated Meet the Belvederes map! Belvedere V has been added too. It’s big. It’s fug. It’s located in WILLIAMSBURG!


5 Comments on Belvedere XX

  1. hoho on Wed, 11th Jul 2007 2:14 pm
  2. The construction on those Belvedere buildings look cheaper than hookers working an aluminum siding convention in Topeka.

  3. missheather on Wed, 11th Jul 2007 2:54 pm
  4. No worries, those phat balconies will have a nice view of McGuinness Boulevard. And any hookers promenading along it.

  5. jukeboxgraduate on Wed, 11th Jul 2007 9:01 pm
  6. Miss H, if they’re going to build that crap, let them build it on McGuinness. they’re going to build it, better there than on Franklin or on one of our lovely little side streets.

  7. Rebecca11222 on Sun, 15th Jul 2007 8:26 am
  8. It’s like East Berlin meets Miami.

  9. zach on Thu, 16th Aug 2007 8:45 pm
  10. Hey, I wrote that second comment! That’s sort of mean, and I don’t see your point. Why would having buildings on McGuinness instead of empty lots be a bad thing, again? Even ugly buildings are better than barbed wire fences and blank walls. And if you think they won’t build them… there’s probably six going up right now that would disagree.

    And I *do* live facing the sewage plant, because living here is expensive otherwise. Probably has to do with how, until recently, there hadn’t been any construction since the 30s.

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