Dedicated To A Good Friend

March 5, 2009 by
Filed under: Area 51 

Today’s offerings on New York Shitty will be limited to the following film.



Miss Heather


23 Comments on Dedicated To A Good Friend

  1. newtoran on Thu, 5th Mar 2009 1:19 am
  2. Thank you.

  3. rheingold on Thu, 5th Mar 2009 4:32 am
  4. Sincere condolences and many thanks to Mr. Guskind for preserving this vibrant facet of history. Windows on the past such as this are fleeting and precious, much like life.

  5. elmire on Thu, 5th Mar 2009 11:21 am
  6. I’m so sorry, Miss Heather. Such terrible news. His writings will be greatly missed.

    Lovely film.

  7. Jack on Thu, 5th Mar 2009 11:28 am
  8. My condolences to his family and friends indeed. This is truly a shock.

    So people know, I’m the Jack who has contributed some photos over the past few months. And even when he had a small break a few months back I was the one who strongly came out and posted comments saying the details of his hiatus are nobody’s business but his own and he really doesn’t owe the blog community anything if he simply wants to stop. Do we know the details around this?

    I was incredibly appreciative when he shared photos I posted near—and of—the sweatshop my mom worked in in Gowanus. I e-mailed him privately about them and thanking him. And he made sure I knew when any clowns would pop-up disputing my claims.

    But past that I also know that recently he was incredibly upset that he re-blogged that Jewish Daily Forward piece making false claims about the non-existent Israeli product ban. I posted comments on the piece but I wrote to him directly to let him know I held no ill will towards him about that whole mess. Not his fault. But part of his response to me was “I feel like shit about that whole thing. I take no pleasure in drawing attention to a bullshit story. And it is my fault. If I hadn’t reblogged that story no one would have known about it.” I actually reassured him over and over, that it wasn’t something he should be stressed about.

    I don’t want to draw larger conclusions about what happened or whether this death is natural or not but you know what? A lot of crappy local bloggers have really given Gowanus Lounge grief for no valid reason. Fucked in Park Slope, Angry New Yorker, the squatters in the Gowanus and such… The recent Jewish Daily Forward/PS Food Co-op stuff as well. I know because I e-mailed back and forth with him about this stuff.

    I never met him, but I know he was a good man based on the work he did. These other folks who have trashed him and caused him stress recently? You should be beyond shamed of yourself.

  9. ickyinbrooklyn on Thu, 5th Mar 2009 11:37 am
  10. Thanks to Bob as always, for all he did for the blogging community and the Brooklyn community. You will be missed. Big time. You rock, Bob, now and always. Thanks, Heather, for following this and kindly getting the news to us.

  11. KateBlack on Thu, 5th Mar 2009 11:41 am
  12. Thank you for posting that awesome video.

    I never got to meet Bob, but his blog helped me get to know Brooklyn and go from being homesick for the south to feeling at home here. I wish I had told him that.

  13. amandabee on Thu, 5th Mar 2009 12:04 pm
  14. A friend of mine posted this to Brownstoner:

    “If any tech assistance is needed by friends of Bob to preserve the content from please feel free to ping me (scott DOT trudeau AT gmail DOT com). Would be a shame for it go dark permanently.”

    He’s for real and is smart about this stuff and not a tech cowboy so friends should be not afraid to reach out to Scott if they want help with that.

  15. Jimmy Legs on Thu, 5th Mar 2009 12:11 pm
  16. oh that’s awful, i kept thinking it’s a joke, doesn’t seem possible. very sorry to hear this, his work touched lots and lots of people.

  17. agentmule on Thu, 5th Mar 2009 12:25 pm
  18. So sad. He was a good man.

  19. Ron on Thu, 5th Mar 2009 12:26 pm
  20. What a beautiful video and a real tribute to Brooklyn’s lost past. Thanks for sharing that and your friend with us. A loss for the borough.

    –Ron (BrooklynRon)

  21. murph on Thu, 5th Mar 2009 1:00 pm
  22. Sorry for the loss of your friend.

    NYC has amazing history right under our noses.
    Thanks for sharing.

  23. vintagejames on Thu, 5th Mar 2009 1:24 pm
  24. A moving tribute to a splendid man and journalist which shows his quest to uncover the small details that make Brooklyn and reveal the human spirit in the best of those around us. I am sure you have shown us the way he would like to be remembered.

  25. anonymouse on Thu, 5th Mar 2009 1:31 pm
  26. My sympathies to you Miss Heather and to all his loved ones.

  27. ursamajr on Thu, 5th Mar 2009 2:37 pm
  28. Hey Heather – thank you for posting this. I met Robert back on the Forgotten-NY Greenpoint walk and him and my husband spent a good deal talking about the Roebling Oil mess. He was a passionate and kind man and we always enjoyed his posts and everything he contributed to the blogging community. thanks again.

  29. marie on Thu, 5th Mar 2009 3:23 pm
  30. Ag, Heather. This was just Sunday…I’m sorry.

  31. d on Thu, 5th Mar 2009 7:16 pm
  32. What?? I just found out, I’m so sorry Heather! We were just with him a few weeks ago, I cannot believe it! I’m so sorry for your loss, I know you were good friends. :(((( Bob was a sweet guy, I am just in shock even though I only met him once. I loved GL too, very sad day for Brooklyn and a great loss indeed.

  33. mourningfriend on Thu, 5th Mar 2009 7:41 pm
  34. Thank you to those of you who posted this on the blog. I am an old friend of Bob’s and I will miss him dearly. We went through a lot of coming of age stuff together in the mid to late 70’s and I always counted him as my closest friend.

    Beyond being a top notch journalist and a man with deep community concerns he was also an incredibly gifted writer. I will do what I can to keep his work alive. To those in the blogging community I invite you to keep the spirit of his blogging efforts alive as well.

    Bob, you will be missed but never forgotten. I’m not ready to say goodbye old friend so part of you will live on in me and in others. Rest now, we love you.

  35. bitchcakes on Thu, 5th Mar 2009 7:43 pm
  36. I’m so sorry to hear this, my sincerest condolences for all that knew Bob. I only just met him, and he was very sweet and charming. I’m sorry I didn’t have a chance to know him better. Wow, it’s so surreal. I’m sorry, Miss Heather.

  37. k.petersen on Thu, 5th Mar 2009 11:28 pm
  38. shocked and saddened by this loss. I’ve been a reader for a couple years now and can’t believe he’s gone. please keep us posted on all funeral and memorial information.

  39. mag on Fri, 6th Mar 2009 12:26 am
  40. I am very saddened to learn of this. I recently became hooked on The Gowanus Lounge and could not understand why I could not link into it over the past few days. I searched and searched, and found Miss Heather’s update. I have lived in Brooklyn for 25 years, and enjoyed Bob’s passion and love of Brooklyn. I love Brooklyn, and although it has chnged over the years, it still is a small town and community. Thanks Miss Heather for letting us know.

  41. benjamin on Fri, 6th Mar 2009 7:11 am
  42. @Jack

    This is Benjamin of fips:

    How DARE you profane this topic with your blame and accusations of fault and cries for shame.

    I DEMAND that you email me offline to discuss your disgusting slander.

    benjaminfips -at-

    Bob himself – with whom I exchanged very deep and meaningful personal moments – would be DISGUSTED by your completely unfounded accusations and misrepresentation of facts.

    Go and ask his real best friends if you don’t believe me – ask Heather for example – and then TAKE BACK what you’ve said.

  43. Jack on Fri, 6th Mar 2009 2:50 pm
  44. Okay. Benjamin got back to me and it turns out that Bob and “F**ked in Park Slope” (aka: FIPS) ironed things out recently and whatever issues they had in the past were in the past.

    Deepest respect for mixing up past issues with current status. My apologies.

  45. creativetimes on Fri, 6th Mar 2009 5:44 pm
  46. Heather –

    My condolences. Bob was a a passionate, smart, dedicated man. You were a good friend to him and made a big difference in his life. Thank you.

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