The Poop Report: Putting The “Anus” Back In Gowanus

September 5, 2007 by
Filed under: Area 51 

Just a quick reminder that tonight is Dave Praeger’s book signing at the recently desecrated Barnes & Noble in Park Slope. Per his email:

I’ll be discussing three things: my book, the sanitary infrastructure in south Brooklyn, and the most terrifying threat humanity has ever faced. Forget Al Qaeda, forget the Nazis — I alone know the force that may cause Western Civilization to crumble.

Would that be Park Slope stroller moms? This would be the obvious answer. To me, anyway. Regardless, I am definitely interested in finding out! Be there or be square.

Time: 7:30 p.m.
Barnes & Noble
267 7th Avenue at 6th Street
Cost: Free

Miss Heather


3 Comments on The Poop Report: Putting The “Anus” Back In Gowanus

  1. ickyinbrooklyn on Wed, 5th Sep 2007 10:30 am
  2. Be careful … they’re wiley. Don’t want any casualties out there.

  3. missheather on Wed, 5th Sep 2007 12:11 pm
  4. I can fucking handle them. I”ll sic a fucking raccoon (or a goose) on them if they piss me off.

  5. ickyinbrooklyn on Wed, 5th Sep 2007 9:11 pm
  6. (I am still laughing several minutes later over the visual of a goose chasing stroller moms through the Park Slope B&N.)

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