Oh yeah— a little something about that “alleged” oil spill

September 13, 2007 by
Filed under: Area 51 

Those of you who are interested in reading the EPA’s confirmation of what most us already knew click here.

Miss Heather

P.S.: As it would happen, I will be taking a boat tour of Newton Creek this very weekend! I wonder if I’ll see any oil?


2 Comments on Oh yeah— a little something about that “alleged” oil spill

  1. al oof on Thu, 13th Sep 2007 12:36 pm
  2. is this a commercial boat tour or is it someone you know with a boat? i wanted to take the canoe tour of the gowanus this summer but never got around to arranging it. it’s not a canoe is it? i don’t know why canoeing newtown would terrify me while the gowanus doesn’t. maybe it’s just because i know people -have- canoed the gowanus.

  3. missheather on Thu, 13th Sep 2007 9:57 pm
  4. It is through the Newtown Creek Alliance. It took a great deal of negotiating and degradation to get on board (think Pink Floyd’s “The Wall”). They’re a tough lot.

    JUST KIDDING! They’re actually very nice and very dedicated people. One of them has a very, VERY wicked sense of humor.

    You wrote: i don’t know why canoeing newtown would terrify me while the gowanus doesn’t.

    Both should.

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