Models Wanted At the Astral

October 2, 2007 by
Filed under: Area 51 


This morning I received an alarming email from my neighbor and all-around casserole whiz, Emily. She writes:

There sure is a mushroom growing from my ceiling:

I’ll be frank. I have heard a lot of bad things about the Astral. Mostly that it is a total dump whose north-facing wing has a bedbug infestation. What I did not know, however, is the Super is too busy shooting amateur boudoir photography to do anything about it.

How did I find out this piece of information, you ask? Very simple: Eefers Googled her Superintendent’s name and this gent’s portfolio at “Model Mayhem” was the first item to pop up.

I wish I had learned about this excellent opportunity earlier. If I did, I would have contacted this guy. I could use a little extra money for Christmas shopping this year.

Miss Heather

Photo Credit: The Thing. No, it is not the Super of the Astral. Sorry folks!


8 Comments on Models Wanted At the Astral

  1. rowan on Wed, 3rd Oct 2007 8:49 am
  2. you know i wondered what he was doing over the summer when i saw him crossing the street with giant photo lamps, two fairly attractive girls and a camera. since then, i’ve seen the photo light in the courtyard and flashbulbs. could not see who was being photographed or the photographer. i assumed that there was an artist in the building…how naive i am.
    i read eefer’s blog entry. am having bathroom issues, too…my bathtub won’t drain. i have to plunge every time i take a shower and it STILL takes forever for the water to empty.

    uh oh and here i was liking my apartment. goddammit i don’t want to move AGAIN.

    the super is an odd guy; he usually has done whatever minor repairs are necessary but can never look you in the face. also, if he has trouble getting into your apartment for said repairs, he won’t tell you.
    And whatever Eefers says about Pistilli is right on the money. they’re jerks. they charged me $75 for a copy of the building door key, originally telling me it was $50 and then couldn’t explain why the price was up. i needed that extra key so i was screwed. they’ve also given me the runaround on other things and are really rude.

    best of luck to your friend. i believe she can break her lease with all the documentation she has. Brooklyn Bar Association offers an initial consult with a lawyer for $25, after which normal fees apply should you retain the lawyer. You call them, tell them your situation, i.e., a housing/lease situation and they will refer you to some lawyers for the initial consult. If you don’t like the lawyer after the first meeting, you can call again and ask for someone else.

  3. missheather on Wed, 3rd Oct 2007 8:51 am
  4. You live in a rent-stabilized building. They cannot charge you $75 for a key. That’s illegal.

  5. rowan on Wed, 3rd Oct 2007 9:00 am
  6. now THAT is interesting. my lease has nothing on it about rent-stabilization…

  7. rowan on Wed, 3rd Oct 2007 9:01 am
  8. the super has a myspace page…

  9. missheather on Wed, 3rd Oct 2007 9:02 am
  10. Of course it doesn’t. If it did they’d have to provide a document telling you how your rent was calculated.

    Call 311 and ask for a rent history of your apartment from the DHCR. It is free and you should receive it in a week or so.

  11. missheather on Wed, 3rd Oct 2007 9:04 am
  12. Yeah, I noticed the myspace page last night. The intrepid Greenpointers found that bad boy. Like the nudie women. What a player!

  13. rowan on Wed, 3rd Oct 2007 9:10 am
  14. oh boy. thanks for the tip on the rent history. and then what happens if i find that i’m overcharged? especially when lease renewal time rolls around. i can’t see these guys slapping their foreheads in an aw shucks way and giving me cheap rents.

    those photos are awful!
    he spends a lot of time out on his stoop or hanging out with some of the “models” and the kitchen dudes at Brooklyn Label. i just hope he fixes my tub problem or else i will be super-pissed. well can’t say life in Greenpoint is dull.

  15. giraffedrd on Sun, 11th Nov 2007 12:01 pm
  16. Those are some of the ugliest, trashiest $5 whore looking women I’ve seen since I was taken to a Rahway, NY strip club 10 years ago.

    Hey people…I lived in the area for 10 years…Williamsburg/Greenpoint border. I live in Richmond Hill Queens now in a beautiful building! Awesome pre-war 1 bedroom $800mo. Union/Tpke E train gets me to Chelsea in 30 minutes. Get the hell out of that corrupt, overpriced, unoriginal, sheep filled, badly trendy neighborhood. Find your own neighborhood…somewhere original…somewhere you will love. NYC is a big place you know! I have a killer independant movie theatre 5 minutes from my house on an awesome shopping strip in Kew Gardens and the oldest ice cream shoppe in all of NYC…sooo cool. Plus Forest Park where I hike and ride horses every weekend. Williamsburg and Greenpoint is soooo lame now!

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