Calling All Kitties in New York Shitty!

October 3, 2007 by
Filed under: Area 51 

Working Class Cats

I recently received an email from the proprietor of Working Class Cats asking me to help him with a project he is cooking up. “Tom Cat” writes:

I am trying to branch out of Greenpoint as much as possible (though there a few more cats I want to capture here). But ultimately, I want several cats from each borough and several neighborhoods in each borough. So I guess if you have blogger friends or other wise that might know of shop cats in other neighborhoods please let me know

I hope I am not being a pest but any info you can give me would be fantastic.

So there have you. I for one think creating a map of the hard working (and even harder napping) cats of the five boros is a neat idea. Anyone up for giving this chap a hand paw?

Miss Heather

Photo Credit: Working Class Cats


One Comment on Calling All Kitties in New York Shitty!

  1. rowan on Fri, 5th Oct 2007 8:51 am
  2. this be cool. i’ll help: there is a fruit stand in Greenpoint that i purposely go to for their charming chubby little bodega cat who looks like someone took a tabby and a tortie and stuck them together. what do i need to do?

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