The Forgotten Borough

October 14, 2007 by
Filed under: Area 51 

I have been (long) remiss in posting this, the latest opus by my buddy Steve in Astoria. Here it is.

Staten Island and Greenpoint have a number of things in common:

  1. Both of the previous are butts of endless jokes.
  2. Both have been (or are) used as a trash receptacles for the city at large, yet
  3. high-density Fedders-style development thrives.
  4. And, lest we forget: public transportation sort of sucks.

    Miss Heather


    3 Comments on The Forgotten Borough

    1. Steve of Astoria on Mon, 15th Oct 2007 3:35 am
    2. Just a note about this Tour: I have nothing against S.I. (not really) but I believe alot more people would return each year if they had a good experience and were allowed to cross back over the Verrazano. Someone wrote me a sarcastic message that “we should all just stay home and never go to a crowded arena”. My intent was to use the personal/amateur footage from the Tour not to scare people but to inform them. If they don’t expect to be one of the first waves of riders, they risk waiting (an unreasonably long time) for the ferry.

      P.S. Heather—Would you wear a “4 Boro Bike Tour or Don’t Go To Staten Island” T-shirt?

    3. greenpointers on Mon, 15th Oct 2007 6:45 am
    4. Ha! I definitely SUPPORT this as a former resident of Staten Island who lived six years ON THE BLOCK where all of these races and marathons would take place – not just the 5 Boro Bike Tour. Living ON THE BLOCK where the participants would line up meant I got to hear them at the buttcrack of dawn on Sundays, usually. People with bullhorns repeating instructions, over and over again. Not being allowed off of my block for a whole day. And the added aggravation of a bunch of weirdos in spandex and helmets. Don’t bother going to Staten Island, my ex-neighbors will thank you!

    5. laterain on Wed, 17th Oct 2007 7:58 pm
    6. Heather, I grew up in Staten Island (which I may have mentioned before–you think I’d be ashamed of it?!) and this cracked me up.

      I have met a ton of people–in NYC!!!–who have admitted that they have never stepped foot onto Staten Island. Most people believe that there is the ferry terminal, and that is it–as if there is nothing else there. They ignore the 475,000 people who actually LIVE there.

      It’s fun times explaining to people who live in the Midwest that folks in my own CITY don’t even acknowledge our existence . . .

      thanks for your e-mail, btw. I am going to write you back (eventually!) but I don’t want to start a “you think you have to write me back because I wrote you” endless loop, either 🙂

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