Hi Ho! Hi Ho! And Off To The Dog House I Go!

November 5, 2007 by
Filed under: Area 51 


As I was parsing through the brain-numbing labyrinth that is the Department of Building’s record keeping for 30-03 Newtown Avenue last night, I decided to get a glass of wine. Since a bottle was not open, I went into the closet and grabbed me one. Big mistake.

Miss Heather is in the shitter

In the two years we have been married my husband has never, ever, left me a nasty note. (And take my word for it, the tone of this note is SUPER PISSED in Mr. Heatherese.)

So off to the dog house I go. Since Mr. Heather spends a fair amount of time in the aforementioned domicile, it is only fair that I take my turn.


Miss Heather

Dog Card Credit: Hallmark. This is the card we received from my mother in law for our second anniversary. We were married on Halloween, lest any of you happen to be wondering. Here’s to 30-40 more years of finding new and innovative ways to Mr. Heather insane!


7 Comments on Hi Ho! Hi Ho! And Off To The Dog House I Go!

  1. scoker3 on Mon, 5th Nov 2007 2:42 pm
  2. Thank you.

    -Mr. Heather

  3. marie on Mon, 5th Nov 2007 5:19 pm
  4. Oh, man, that is just…oddly inspiring.

    Thank you, too.

  5. missheather on Mon, 5th Nov 2007 5:55 pm
  6. Congratulations on getting engaged. See what you have to look forward to?

  7. electrofloss on Mon, 5th Nov 2007 6:23 pm
  8. It appears you’re dangerously low on bourbon (Bulleit, no less!)

  9. missheather on Mon, 5th Nov 2007 6:26 pm
  10. No need to panic, there’s a nice big bottle of 101 proof Wild Turkey next to it.

  11. marie on Mon, 5th Nov 2007 9:50 pm
  12. Thank you, though I struggle with the E Word…and l’chayim on the anniversary. I was interested inthe jar with the red berries – Polish something? hawthorne, hips, what? I LOVE seeing inside people cupboards…

  13. missheather on Mon, 5th Nov 2007 10:22 pm
  14. Rose Hip butter.

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