The Queensboro Kitten: ADOPTED!

November 27, 2007 by
Filed under: Area 51, Greenpoint Magic 

Final Portrait

I am pleased to announce that not only did Jeff, a cute little fella who was found wandering around on the 59th Street Bridge, get a new home over the holiday weekend, but he is now a Greenpointer! Lisacat writes:

If he wasn’t headed for Greenpoint, it’s too late to change his mind now! He’s living in our lovely neighborhood now with a really nice couple who found him on your blog. They want to remain anonymous for now but said it was ok to post a cropped photo (below). I’m going to post about it later, we got a funny email from the official Jeff Bridges website! Cute story…

Jeff and his new people

I knew it! This little Lebowski wanted to go to Greenpoint all along (because, I suspect, he heard we have a bowling alley). He simply got a little confused and mistook the 59th Street Bridge for the Pulaski. It’s a perfectly understandable mix up for a seven week old kitten to make. Especially one working without the benefit of a map.

On the behalf of my fellow Garden Spotters, I’d like to give Jeff a great big Greenpoint welcome to the neighborhood! Those of you who can’t get enough of the Little Lebowski can click here and read more about his curious homecoming on BARC’s blog.

Miss Heather

UPDATE: Here’s an excerpt of an email I received from Jeff’s (or as I like to call him, The Dude’s) new people:

Hi, Miss Heather —

I’ve been meaning to write you to thank you SO much for sharing the story of Jeff, which led to his eventual adoption into a loving family on Lorimer Street! I’m a faithful reader (and admirer) of your site and once I saw him up there, I just couldn’t quit looking at him. As a matter of fact, I still can’t, which is why I’ve been so remiss in sending the thank-you note I owe you. I tell you, the cuteness is incapacitating. There oughta be a law.

My boyfriend Kevin managed to crawl out of the kitten torpor long enough to post a little something about Jeff (and his new sister, Dreamy, the one responsible for the alarming state of K’s hands) yesterday. Yes, he’s not only joining a Greenpoint household, but a household of Greenpoint bloggers (some of us lazier than others), the poor guy.

Photo Credit: Lisacat


3 Comments on The Queensboro Kitten: ADOPTED!

  1. lisacat on Tue, 27th Nov 2007 1:31 pm
  2. I just posted the story about hearing from the Jeff website, but don’t have the original email anymore 🙁 I don’t think he would have liked California…

  3. missheather on Tue, 27th Nov 2007 2:27 pm
  4. Bummer about the email. Otherwise, I think Jeff would definitely prefer Greenpoint to California. We have a bowling alley and THREE BRIDGES he can go explore!

  5. BlueRhapsody on Sun, 23rd Nov 2008 8:24 am
  6. Hello,

    Is there any further news on Little Jeff Bridges? How is he doing? I think it was Lisacat who posted on the Real Jeff Bridges Message Board about Little Jeff. We would be delighted to know how big a dude he has become.

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