Way To Go, Pistilli Realty!

December 10, 2007 by
Filed under: Area 51 

Remember the post I wrote last Thursday berating the deplorable conditions at the Astral? If not, here is an excerpt to jog your memory:

“…the Astral Apartments is the most perfect type of an apartment house in the world.”

Not anymore. That “playground” where children once played has become a dog shit smeared den of inequity for the Superintendent and his harem. So much for those “ample sanitary requirements” as well: mold growing on ceilings and an unabated bedbug infestation are two of the least sanitary things I can think of. Then again, could I honestly expect anything different from the fine minds who brought us this?

Co-op Crap

Well as irony would have it, Mr. Pistilli was honored by the Queens Chamber of Commerce for the above opus turd the very same day! Queens Crap writes:

Next time you are on this side of the Creek, pick up a copy of the Queens Gazette. It’s a real laugh riot.

Queens Gazette 12/6/07

This is not a joke. Click on the above image and read this piece of hilarity from the Queens Gazette for yourself.

Miss Heather

P.S.: On a (somewhat) related note, do check out the bedbug poetry over at Bedbuggers. Funny stuff.


6 Comments on Way To Go, Pistilli Realty!

  1. nobugs on Mon, 10th Dec 2007 10:04 am
  2. Okay, so the award seems to be along the lines of, “they took a derelict shell of an ugly building and filled it with something useful.” Useful not in the sense of what we all really need (affordable housing) but useful as in “it is not a derelict shell anymore”. People might argue it’s environmentally-friendly to re-use the space, though an argument could probably be made for raising up a green building in its place.

    Speaking of derelict shells, God help us if Pistilli get hold of that old, filthy, fugly municipal parking lot in Queens Plaza. They’d probably slap in some nice kitchens and win another award. Maybe paint a triangle on the outside. “Convenient to transportation and shopping!” Hey, there’s a new climbing wall a block away at the Outward Bound. Someone is reading this and getting ideas as we speak…

  3. nobugs on Mon, 10th Dec 2007 10:06 am
  4. ps
    that building in Queens Plaza?
    I am not sure it is actually a parking lot. It’s an old, disused, municipal -something.

  5. missheather on Mon, 10th Dec 2007 10:11 am
  6. They’d probably call it “Queens Plaza Mews” or some other high-sounding bullshit.

    It is quite convenient to transportation: the bus to Rikers Island picks you up right there! Perfect for “visiting day”!!!

  7. rexlic on Mon, 10th Dec 2007 11:04 am
  8. As of last word, it is the Manhattan-based real estate titan, Tishman-Speyer–holders of properties like Rockefeller Center and the Chrysler Building–that has the rights to that eyesore. Still hard to see what you can construct where Queens Boulevard meets Jackson Avenue just feet away from two elevated subway lines that will have the oomph of those world class properties. Knowing our “tract” record out here in Queens County, why I am pessimistic about the results?

  9. Steve of Astoria on Mon, 10th Dec 2007 8:49 pm
  10. 2nd paragraph: “The Queens Chamber of Commerce honors Pistilli’s perspicacity”—
    Perspicacity = an insight into and/or understanding of things. I’d say their POV is slanted.

  11. missheather on Mon, 10th Dec 2007 8:59 pm
  12. No Steve, I think Pistilli has perfect insight into/understanding of thing outer borough development-related: shit floats.

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