Guns & Butter

December 12, 2007 by
Filed under: Area 51, Bushwick 

Once in a very, very blue moon I come across something so novel and creative that even I, a cynical art school graduate who once had the pleasure of teaching 20-somethings, am impressed. I mention this because lightening struck last weekend at Third Ward‘s holiday craft fair.


The nom de plume of the artist is Guns and Butter.


She sells “handmade love objects”.

Licky mo’ Nuts

Each comes with its own name (the above garter belt answers to “Licky Monuts”) and dirty talk instructions. After explaining to the incredibly high energy woman who creates these items that I am married (and thus, have ceased to give a shit) I settled upon purchasing a barrette.

Fuck Nugs

It is named “Fuck nugs” and I am pleased to report that, as purported, “dirtytalk instructions” were featured inside the label. Not that I need them, mind you. I have found the phrase “fuck off” to be the perfect panacea for Mr. Heather.

Enjoy some dirty talk today and blossom into a comfortable and confident dirty talker tomorrow!


Anyone who is interested in purchasing one of these amazingly eccentric handmade items can contact the artist at:

gotamamama (at) gmail (dot) com

Stuff someone’s stocking with dirty talk today. Who knows, you might just get lucky tomorrow!

Miss “Fuck nugs” Heather


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