Upcoming Events At The Greenpoint Church

December 19, 2007 by
Filed under: Area 51 

X-mas Eve Festivites

My buddy over at the Greenpoint (Reformed) Church, Ann Kansfield, writes:

They say the devil is in the details…

Earlier in the month, I eagerly sent off a banner for the front fence of the church announcing our new counseling center. My parents always told me that my poor spelling performance in 3rd grade would come back to hunt me. It may have taken more than 20 years, but they were right. Like a huge zit that you just can’t take your eyes off of, I became fixated on the giant misspelling of “Counselling.” A year or two ago, I would have put up the banner and hoped no one would notice. But now that the Miss Heather spelling and grammar police have descended upon fair Greenpoint I had to think otherwise. Thanks for put fear into the hearts of bad spellers of the ‘hood!

To add insult to injury, we sent out thousands of postcards inviting neighbors to the church on Christmas Eve. This time around, I knew I needed help. I asked the best spellers I knew to proof the card. There were people who made it to the 27th round of the school spelling bee who looked at the card. And I’m proud to say that it’s 100% perfect in the spelling department. This time we missed the fact that Christmas Eve falls on a Monday (NOT a Tuesday like it said on the card).

I’m glad you’ve reported that Greenpoint offers such excellent schools. Perhaps they can offer continuing ed spelling and basic calender reading for those in need, like the local pastor.

If you might be able to help me spread the word that the service is on Monday night, I’d really appreciate it. I know a lot of folks read your blog, especially those who care about important things like…details!

Jesus saves, but he can’t help your spelling.

Anyone who is interested in attending the Greenpoint Church’s Christmas Eve services this upcoming MONDAY can learn more by clicking here.

Otherwise, the food pantry will be open December 26 and they will be serving their regular Wednesday night supper:

4:00 – 7:00 p.m.: Food Pantry (no cost groceries available to all who are in need of food)
6:00 – 7:00 p.m.: Community Dinner (no cost hot meal open to everyone)

I doubt anyone who is reading this post will go hungry this Christmas season, but I suspect some of you know someone who might. Have a heart and refer them to the Greenpoint Church and/or contribute canned goods today.

Greenpoint Church
136 Milton Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222
(718) 383-5941

Counseling Services via GC

And, as mentioned in Ann’s incredibly humorous missive above, counseling sessions are also available by appointment.

Miss Heather


One Comment on Upcoming Events At The Greenpoint Church

  1. charlo on Thu, 3rd Dec 2009 7:46 am
  2. I’m trying to get by on unemployment benefits, and while I have a laptop (a vestige of employment) and access to wireless internet, I struggle to buy groceries. So your post is much appreciated 🙂

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