Can Anyone Out There Spare a Lexus…

January 29, 2008 by
Filed under: Area 51 

55 And Lexington

a wife, an I-Pod, a credit card, the odd bank account or cell phone?

All to me, AMEN!

If so, please leave them in the designated box at intersection of 55th Street and Lexington Avenue so Mr. Kim, Mr. Kang, Mrs. Kang or Mr. Chang can pick them up.

Wish List

Oh, and don’t bother leaving a Lexus unless it is an ivory LS 460L with full options and beige interior. Anything else would be, well, gauche.*

Miss Heather

*But a Rolls Royce “100 FX” might do in a pinch.


2 Comments on Can Anyone Out There Spare a Lexus…

  1. rowan on Tue, 29th Jan 2008 1:13 pm
  2. i think that’s now the weirdest thing i have seen on your blog. nevermind the testicular trucks, chicken heads or any of it. this is hands-down the weirdest.

  3. purewonka on Wed, 30th Jan 2008 10:33 pm
  4. I have to have that box.

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