THIS WEEK: Zombie Feast

May 8, 2008 by
Filed under: Area 51 

I noticed this flier while knocking around the neighborhood and felt like passing it along. I am not too sure what a “Zombie Feast” entails, but I cannot think of a better place to host one than the Garden Spot of The Universe. The last time I walked by the Greenpoint Hotel it was teeming with ’em.

Zombie Fest
Barge Park
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Perhaps after the festivities we can round up these zombies and set them loose in our subway system to fight the bedbugs*?

Miss Heather

*As silly as this may sound, I am fascinated by how much brouhaha this revelation generated. Seriously. So there are creatures living on subway benches? Big damned deal. I for one am pissed off that I have to pay $2.00 to ride the subway while those free-loading son of bitches are getting to ride for free.


3 Comments on THIS WEEK: Zombie Feast

  1. rheingold on Fri, 9th May 2008 1:49 am
  2. Is that the line-up of bands at the right of the flier, or some kind of inspired verse? When read aloud it actually works as beat poetry, and builds to a dramatic climax…


  3. rheingold on Fri, 9th May 2008 1:51 am
  4. P.S.—Spelling Franklin St. as “Franklyn”—tres goth!

  5. p0wn on Tue, 13th May 2008 9:48 am
  6. Here is my review of the awesomeness that zombie fest wasn’t. I had to check it out… and wow the promoter did an awesome job, at failing!

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