Brilliant. Simply Brilliant.

May 27, 2008 by
Filed under: Area 51 

Once in a blue moon I happen upon a web site whose concept is so utterly brilliant I am green with envy. Such was the case at the Brooklyn Blogfest earlier this month. During the “shout out” session a gentleman got on stage and described of his blog, Trailers Undone. The sole purpose of this site is to review movies solely based on their trailers. No more shelling out ridiculous sums of money to only walk away disappointed!

If any of you have the time today, do check this site out. It’s a lot of fun!

Miss Heather


5 Comments on Brilliant. Simply Brilliant.

  1. miconian on Tue, 27th May 2008 7:08 pm
  2. Hey, thanks for the shoutout! I’m glad you like my blog. After the blogfest, I was thinking, “Damn, I need a new URL. Nobody is going to remember that.” Glad I was wrong.

  3. carriehs on Tue, 27th May 2008 8:51 pm
  4. Rusty Spell has been doing his Movie Prejudgments since 2002:

  5. carriehs on Tue, 27th May 2008 8:55 pm
  6. Rusty Spell has been reviewing movies based on trailers–hilariously–since 2002 in his Movie Prejudgements.

  7. miconian on Wed, 28th May 2008 10:09 am
  8. Interesting…I had actually never heard of that guy. Mine is better.

  9. SouthOfNYC on Wed, 28th May 2008 1:47 pm
  10. I enjoyed both the Trailers Undone and the Movie Prejudgement sites. The links into the trailers is really, really appreciated – excellent stuff all around.

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