Mr. Heather’s Amazing Discovery

June 11, 2008 by
Filed under: Area 51, Mr. Heather's Kamera Korner 

Yesterday we learned that there is a minuscule island in the East River dedicated to U Thant, the third Secretary General of the United Nations. Today, dear readers I wish to share with you whose visage graces the northern-most end of Governor’s Island.

The above mural reads “To The Struggle Against World Terrorism”. I’m not too sure who the gent to the left is, but the one to right was easy enough to identify.

Granted, the above image sucks (Mr. Heather has my old camera, which has seen much better days) but one can nonetheless discern who this chap is. It is none other than our fearless leader: George W. Bush. And he is keeping a taciturn eye on lower Manhattan.

Miss Heather


5 Comments on Mr. Heather’s Amazing Discovery

  1. OldStyleNo10 on Wed, 11th Jun 2008 12:44 pm
  2. Is the other guy Vladimir Putin?

  3. jake_tuff on Wed, 11th Jun 2008 3:40 pm
  4. I agree with Old Style, must be Putin.If so, are you sure it doesn’t say, “To the struggle against free society”

  5. Lucky Pierre on Thu, 12th Jun 2008 6:14 pm
  6. Howdy Miss Heather — Love your blog, even though I live on the opposite coast. This image, and your recent film about the newly illuminated sewage plant prompted me to write and tell you that there is a petition circulating here in SF to rename our sewage treatment facility after GW Bush. I think it’s rather fitting.

  7. maxie on Wed, 18th Jun 2008 1:03 pm
  8. hi this is bitchcakes’ boyfriend Matt…you know when that thing on the left went up a lot of people complained saying it looked too much like lady parts. everyone else just said it looked really fucking corny.

    ps. love your blog!

  9. rowan on Wed, 18th Jun 2008 6:21 pm
  10. that DOES look like lady parts. HAHAHAHAHAHA! i love love love being able to find filth and pervy things in public places.

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