Crosstown Local Photo du Jour: Clit – On – Washington

August 9, 2008 by
Filed under: Area 51, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

Because fighting global warming or finding a cure for cancer pale in comparison to the untold legions of G train patrons in dire need of pink pubic hair.*

God I love America.

Miss Heather

*I can only wonder if this “hot pink” dye is permanent. If it isn’t I suspect/hope we’ll be seeing men with pink “beards”.

UPDATE: This advertisement can now be found on the Smith – 9th bound platform at Greenpoint Avenue…

and the Rockaway bound platform of the L at Lorimer Street.


5 Comments on Crosstown Local Photo du Jour: Clit – On – Washington

  1. nbenford on Sat, 9th Aug 2008 1:16 am
  2. Ah! Problem solved. My bright pink bush was the highlight of the ball. Thank you, Betty Beauty!

  3. missheather on Sat, 9th Aug 2008 1:07 pm
  4. It’s not like women have enough to worry about (appearance-wise) already— and now they have to worry about cuffs and collars matching?

    Trust me, if you’re serving up a free box lunch men are NOT going to care about the color of the china it is being served on.

  5. missheather on Sat, 9th Aug 2008 5:13 pm
  6. …And come to think of it, why stop at pink? Neon green (preferably of the variety that glows in the dark or under a black light) strikes me as being a helluva lot more interesting.

    And practical.

  7. rowan on Sun, 10th Aug 2008 6:49 pm
  8. 1) Pink is pretty.
    2) Turquoise blue would also be nice.
    3) According to the box, it needs to be touched up after 4-6 weeks. Yes, I saw the product in about six months ago in a Duane Reade near the Empire State Building and read the instructions on the side. I couldn’t resist. It made me laugh a LOT.
    4) That poster has been in the Greenpoint Ave stop for a month. It was also at 23rd-Ely for a short while. The time has come for do-it-yourself pube dyeing.

  9. amandabee on Mon, 11th Aug 2008 10:21 am
  10. I take issue with the brazen assertion that no one (no one!) has ever manic panic’d their pubes.

    Manic panic comes in many shades of turquoise.

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