Anyone Lose a Guinea Pig?

March 1, 2007 by
Filed under: Area 51 

Today, just like the the day before, I have been busy uploading pictures to my Flickr page. Ten minutes ago I came across the following gem and almost fell out of my chair laughing.

Guinea Pig Found

Why would someone carry a guinea pig around in a bag?

How does one manage to lose a guinea pig?

Is this a subtle attempt to collect ransom for guinea pignapping?

If so, why kidnap guinea pigs? It seems to me that the house apes running around Carroll Park (under the less-than-watchful eyes of their nannies) would be a lot more lucrative.

The previous are all very good questions… and Hell if I know what the answers are.

However, it should be noted that every time I think I have beheld the end all, be all of abject fucking stupidity, some miscreant comes along and proves me wrong.

I can only hope this tale had a happy ending. Think of the guinea pigs, people!

Miss Heather


One Comment on Anyone Lose a Guinea Pig?

  1. LinkMan on Thu, 1st Mar 2007 6:28 pm
  2. Why would someone carry a guinea pig around in a bag?

    Snake food?

Tell me what you're thinking...
and oh, if you want a pic to show with your comment, go get a gravatar!

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