Space Pirate at 1059 Manhattan Avenue

March 8, 2007 by
Filed under: Area 51 

1059 Manhattan Avenue

I have to admit it: ever since the Gowanus Lounge started featuring crappy construction fences I’ve been noticing them EVERYWHERE. Seriously.

In the case of the above monstrousity, I didn’t have to look very hard: it takes up most of the fucking sidewalk.

Space Pirate

Although I am very happy to see that a new fence has been erected (or at least re-vamped— one time when I peeked through the old, crappy one I beheld an old woman lifting up her skirt to take a CRAP), is it really necessary to take up so much of the sidewalk? A sidewalk, I will add, that is ALREADY pretty damned difficult to negotiate. I do not know if this is illegal (or not), but as far as I’m concerned it is a serious safety hazard.

This strip of Manhattan Avenue is an unavoidable gauntlet for the people who live in far north Greenpoint. At least the ones who eat, anyway: all the grocery stores to be had in this ‘hood are south of Huron Street. Not only I have I come close to falling down while hiking through this patch, but I have seen many an elderly person struggle to make passage with his/her pushcart (which is undoubtedly) laden with foodstuffs.

Not cool.

All I’m saying is if I fall down while heading home from the liquor store (and bust open a bottle of wine or MY HEAD), there will be HELL to pay. Mark my words…

Miss Heather


6 Comments on Space Pirate at 1059 Manhattan Avenue

  1. youdneverguess on Fri, 9th Mar 2007 11:44 am
  2. When I was in first grade, I went to Catholic school (I’m not Catholic, but that’s another story) and we had an annual autumn fair. There was an old woman walking to the entrance on the asphalt pathway that was lifted and cracked by huge tree roots. Just as she looked over and smiled at me, she fell, hard, and her glasses broke and a piece of glass lodged into her eye. Thankfully like 5 doctors rushed over and I think she ended up being okay. But for years I felt so guilty, like I’d made her fall. Talking about the elderly with their carts made me think of that.
    Glad you liked the Starbucks post.

  3. missheather on Fri, 9th Mar 2007 1:29 pm
  4. Last night I actually saw a TINY woman (4′ 10″???) with a cane cursing under her breath as she was negotiating this shitty sidewalk. Pissed me off. Royally.

    This fence is the inanimate eqivalent to those assholes who like to air out their nutbags on the subway during rush hour.

  5. youdneverguess on Fri, 9th Mar 2007 3:38 pm
  6. I’m very thankful that I’ve never had to ride the subway, given your experiences on it. That makes me sad about the tiny woman. I’m 4’11” but fortunately don’t have to use a cane. Those “fences” look not only like dangerous obstacles, they’re very ugly. Fugly.

  7. missheather on Fri, 9th Mar 2007 5:07 pm
  8. For what it is worth, I’m not much bigger than you.

  9. youdneverguess on Fri, 9th Mar 2007 5:29 pm
  10. Solidarity my short sister! We must remain strong against the increasing population of amazonian giganticuses.

  11. Rebecca11222 on Sun, 11th Mar 2007 8:00 pm
  12. 5’4″ …on a GOOD day

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