Penn Street Puke: Crapification Is Almost Complete!

August 25, 2008 by
Filed under: Vomit, Williamsburg 

I wrote about this lovely renovation abomination back in May. It even moved me enough to attempt a definition. Here it is:

Crapification (crap’-if-fic-ka-shen) n. Restoration of a deteriorated but otherwise tasteful old building with a total disregard for aesthetics and/or context. —crap’-i-fy’ v. (ified, fying, -fies) See: the building at the southeastern corner of Penn Street and Harrison Avenue in Williamsburg.

I am pleased to announce that as of August 24, 2008 this building has surpassed my expectations…

in terms of abject hideousness. Note the careful placement of air conditioning boxes. Will they be Fedders? I can only hope so!

My question is what happened to the building behind the crap? Looks like they demolished it if you ask me. Was this legal? I don’t know. No one seems to care so why should I?

Besides, just look at this great balcony!

Miss Heather


2 Comments on Penn Street Puke: Crapification Is Almost Complete!

  1. eddiebee on Mon, 25th Aug 2008 2:56 pm
  2. ugh, gasp, etc. this one is a true heartbreaker. whatingodsnamearetheythinkingdotcom?

  3. breukelen on Tue, 26th Aug 2008 3:56 pm
  4. I haven’t been here long enough (it’s been 6+ years) to claim I know what Brooklyn “used” to be like, but I do know in that time, I’ve been witness to some atrociously abominable garbage like this wreck. It really is a travesty.

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