Williamsburg Photos Du Jour: Strangelove Special

April 22, 2009 by
Filed under: Williamsburg 

The mere act of making reference to this Kubrick film has probably dated myself. Or divulged a measure cultural literacy and nuclear anxiety my 20-something friends are blissfully ignorant of. I have long since ceased to care. Every time I’ve dated myself I have come away from the experience more self-assured than before:

  • no small talk
  • no “stroking” egos
  • no quibbling over bar tabs— or going Dutch
  • the only asshole I woke up to in the morning was my own

But I digress…

Those of you who want to experience old-school nuclear war angst should go to the intersection of Meeker and Union Avenue.


Bombs aweigh!


Le Jolie is in the “event horizon’!

Until we meet again!

Miss Heather


2 Comments on Williamsburg Photos Du Jour: Strangelove Special

  1. dc108 on Thu, 23rd Apr 2009 7:34 am
  2. Somebody actually drew that into wet cement, didn’t they?

  3. missheather on Thu, 23rd Apr 2009 1:07 pm
  4. Yup. Never noticed it until recently. Weird.

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