The Cowardly Loin

September 13, 2007 by
Filed under: Williamsburg 

My buddy Rachael and I recently discussed the pros and cons of having pink hair. I told her that though I found it enjoyable, blue seems to better suit me. She concurred, stating “When I have pink hair it makes people want to touch me”. I assured her that having such tresses had very little to do with such behavior. The fact of the matter is you can name anything— ANYTHING— and it will be used an excuse for some ingrate to touch you. Or himself. Usually the latter.

I thought about the previous discussion as I went for a walk yesterday. The working-class joes that staff most of the construction and demolition sites hereabouts find my hair color fascinating. Most are very nice when they tell me so. The following guy wasn’t.

255 Skillman Avenue

This is 255 Skillman Avenue. Noticing a truck touting ownership by a demolition company (which can be seen at the bottom right-hand corner), I went in for a closer look. My desire to verify that this building did indeed have a permit to be demolished created quite a sensation. One worker ran into the site and alerted his compatriots. That’s when it happened.


A fucking wolf call. As I turned around to see who my admirer was I pulled out my camera. Upon noticing this he ducked into the building.

The Cowardly Loin

If you are going to go to the trouble of harassing me on the street, at least have the fucking balls to look me in the eye afterwards. Fucking coward.

Miss Heather


One Comment on The Cowardly Loin

  1. lisanne on Thu, 13th Sep 2007 6:36 pm
  2. Blue hair huh? Well it’s been a long time since my technacolor hair days but I usually went pink..and yes it was an open door for all sorts of commentary which is why that faze didn’t last too long…i Do remember hearing “the freaks come out at night” a lot when i walked by and being told “you remind me of Toyah(Wilcox)”(hey i’m old!) then when i went blonde,”HEY MADONNA!!” was commonly screamed at me, and i HATED her…so then I went red and stayed red for a long time….oh and most men that wolfcall completely freak out if you talk back to them.

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