Knock, Knock…

January 9, 2008 by
Filed under: Bushwick, Williamsburg 

Who’s there?

Fucking ugly, that’s who!

Maujer Street Shit

I present to you, dear readers, 147 Maujer Street. Per the Department of Buildings a partial stop work order exists on this property.

149 Maujer Street Dob, SWO

Or would that be three Stop Work Orders? I am getting a little confused.

149 Maujer Street SWOs

Per their latest deposition, January 7, 2008:

DOB BIS 149 Maujer 1/7/08

Guess what? They were back at it January 8!

149 Maujer Tower of Bricklaying

So much for the Department of Building’s “enforcement”.

149 Maujer, left view

And good taste, for that matter. This thing looks like something from the Soviet Union. Those phat balconies have a nice view of housing projects. Sweet!

149 Maujer Brickwork

if they’re going to go to this much trouble to break the law— repeatedly— the developer could do us all a favor and do so with matching bricks.

Miss Heather


3 Comments on Knock, Knock…

  1. jukeboxgraduate on Wed, 9th Jan 2008 10:45 am
  2. ah, maujer st. i spent a lot of time parking near this place, when I was renting two buildings on the other side of graham.

    the department of health has a beautiful art-deco entranceway:

    and the projects are not that bad. the williamsburg houses are actually rather historic architecturally:

    as well as socially. they were one of the first public housing projects to be deliberately set back from the street to allow for grass, lower profile instead of tower blocks, etc. and as someone who has spent A LOT OF TIME on those blocks of Maujer St., again, it’s not that bad, as projects go. the ones further south i wouldn’t be that thrilled about walking through/around.

    Having said that, there is a TON of new development in the area between Bushwick,Grand, Johnson and Union, and I have no idea who on earth is going to live out there. People don’t want to live at the Grand L, there is no way they’re going to spend half a million dollars to effectivelyi live at the Montrose L, and have a view of the projects, no matter how historical.

  3. queens crapper on Wed, 9th Jan 2008 10:55 am
  4. Hey, wasn’t the Stop Work Order Patrol and the NYPD supposed to jail anyone who violated SWOs? What ever happened to that?

  5. missheather on Wed, 9th Jan 2008 11:18 am
  6. Good question, crapper.

    Jukeboxgraduate: Excellent points all.

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