Williamsburg Photos du Jour: God Bless America

March 15, 2008 by
Filed under: Williamsburg 

Adults Only

This work of art hails from (where else?) North 6 Street. Shortly after taking this photo I rather large drunk man groused at me because I was impeding access to his pick-up truck. Once he fired it up he revved the engine several times for everyone’s edification. Unimpressed, I announced:

(Measuring out 3 inches with my thumb and forefinger) His peenie is this big! Cocksucker.

Two New York City police officers standing nearby thought this was hilarious.

God Bless America

Speaking of size matters, I found this motor vehicle parked on Kent Avenue. Wondering exactly what kind of person would drive a minivan festooned with the stars and stripes, I took a peek at the license plates. They were from (drumroll)…


You know what they say: everything’s bigger in Texas.

Miss Heather


One Comment on Williamsburg Photos du Jour: God Bless America

  1. brooklyn11211 on Sat, 15th Mar 2008 5:34 am
  2. That minivan was all white (including the wheels and everything else) a week or so ago – don’t know if that was the gesso for this work of art, or if its an ever-changing installation.

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