Fedders Friday: The Gruesome Twosome

April 4, 2008 by
Filed under: Bushwick, Williamsburg 

Yesterday I had a epiphany. One of those fleeting moments when one stops what he (or she) is doing, takes a few steps back and asks him (or herself):

This is my life?!?

This moment came to pass while I was sorting through my rapidly expanding collection of substandard architecture for this week’s installment of Fedders Friday. I shit you not, this process took one full hour of my time. During which I found myself sizing up the virtues of one pile of prefab shit or another. Exasperated (and coming to the realization that I am in dire need of a vacation) I decided to showcase a couple of beauties from East Williamsburg. Here they are.

Maujer Street

This thoroughfare is rapidly becoming a veritable Fedders paradise. Believe it or not, this is one of the more attractive offerings to be found here.

As you can see this building is lavishly appointed with all the luxury trimmings we have grown to expect in north Brooklyn: surveillance cameras, exposed gutters and, lest we forget, Fedders boxes.

It also sports a nice cement front yard from which one can contemplate the finer things in life, such as overflowing garbage cans.

Lorimer Street

I have been watching this monstrosity cutting edge piece of architecture with a mixture of horror, confusion and fascination for months.

I spent ten whole minutes trying to decipher the seemingly random placement of Fedders boxes on this wing. Then I came to the conclusion there are some mysteries in life one simply will never comprehend. As Donnie Rumsfeld so sagely stated:

There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don’t know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don’t know we don’t know.

Add to that: There are things we know we don’t want to know.

I wonder which street gang this chap is referring to? Crips or Bloods. Given the copious use of red brick on this building, I’m going to say Bloods.

Whoever they are, I am certain they will make their new neighbors feel right at home.

Miss Heather

P.S.: I’d like to give a special Fedders Friday honorable mention to this property on Stockton Street.

Newly constructed homes for sale.

Make that a lot of newly constructed homes for sale.

It’s like a dream come true! Where’s the grass?


One Comment on Fedders Friday: The Gruesome Twosome

  1. zoya on Fri, 4th Apr 2008 12:37 pm
  2. Where did you find this quote from Rumsfeld? I want to display it prominently and want to know what to reference.

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