Williamsburg Pay Phone du Jour: Nap Time

April 11, 2008 by
Filed under: Williamsburg 

As a number of you are preparing to have fun this weekend be sure not to take it too far like this guy did.

Williamspoint_Greenburger (the contributor of the above photo) writes:

Here’s a lovely–REAL, NON-POSED–photo of a young gentleman sleeping on his backpack in a phonebooth. It was taken at 1:30 AM on an early Friday morning. He was conked out less than a block from an “L” train station, just across the street from an all-night bodega. How many people passed him by and did nothing? I called the cops, but I didn’t stick around to see them respond. I considered trying to wake the man. That–of course–is the only reason I took a flash photo. Since the flash did not wake him, I decided against physical contact, since he might misconstrue my intentions should he actually wake up. And being the considerate neighbor that I am, I ruled out shouting “HEY, WAKE THE FUCK UP BEFORE SOMEBODY RIPS YOU OFF, SHITHEAD!”

I submit the enclosed photo not as an object of derision, but as a cautionary example to my fellow North Brooklynites. Sleep indoors, gentle friends, or at least find one of those old-fashioned phone booths where you can prop yourself against the door and no one can open it.

I agree wholeheartedly. North Brooklynites, please use our public pay phones properly.

Miss Heather

P.S.: In all seriousness, my mind is reeling from the number of people I have seen strung out on heroin hereabouts the last two weeks.


One Comment on Williamsburg Pay Phone du Jour: Nap Time

  1. jake_tuff on Fri, 11th Apr 2008 1:15 pm
  2. Sleeping there for free? In Williamsburg prime? You should have called the cops or at least the DoB.

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