Williamsburg, Then And Now

April 17, 2008 by
Filed under: Williamsburg 

In addition to a rather nifty cache of old(ish) Greenpoint photos I also recently scored a few snapshots from Williamsburg. Curious to see what a couple of these places look like now, I put on my sneakers and headed to Graham Avenue.

400 Graham Avenue: Then

400 Graham Avenue: Now

Mama Mia has left us and a laundromat has since taken its place. But this is not to suggest that all places on Graham Avenue have been been effected by the rvages of time. Take Mama Mia’s neighbor just down the street, for example.

Caffe Capri looks pretty much as it did 30 years ago, save the addition of gates, an air conditioning unit and perhaps this…

With a guarantee like this, no wonder Caffe Capri has been in business so long!

Caffe Capri
427 Graham Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211

Miss Heather


One Comment on Williamsburg, Then And Now

  1. SouthOfNYC on Thu, 17th Apr 2008 2:30 pm
  2. The Caffe Capri has gone upscale. The wood plank on cinder blocks bench has been replaced with real” honest to god” places to park one’s ass.

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