Subway Poster du Jour: Lorimer Street

April 22, 2008 by
Filed under: Williamsburg 

What do you get when you…

take this Murakami poster…

a Coors light advertisement, that Spike T.V. poster pitching Star Wars and throw in one very resourceful L train rider?

One hard-partying Lord of the Sith, that’s what!


Miss Heather


4 Comments on Subway Poster du Jour: Lorimer Street

  1. rowan on Tue, 22nd Apr 2008 11:03 am
  2. i’m impressed. and what else is one to do while waiting (and waiting and waiting and waiting) for the G or the L at Lorimer/Metropolitan?

  3. missheather on Tue, 22nd Apr 2008 11:40 am
  4. Someone should make keg taps in the form of Darth Vader’s head. I don’t drink beer much anymore, but I might change my ways if said suds came from the Dark Side!

  5. NYFlora on Tue, 22nd Apr 2008 11:57 pm
  6. Bar Wars! (chug, rebel scum)

  7. missheather on Wed, 23rd Apr 2008 12:02 am
  8. Maybe beer is the real reason why Obi Kenobi sliced off Walrus Man’s arm at the cantina? It was a big misunderstanding. He was actually asking to Luke to fetch him a Pabst Blue Ribbon so he wouldn’t lose his place in line to play skeeball.

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