Williamsburg Real Estate Hilarity Du Jour: We Know What You Did Last Summer

September 20, 2010 by
Filed under: 11211, Culture War, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

Is it just me or is this ad copy (to be found at 66 North 1st Street) utterly hilarious— albeit in a cringe-worthy/gallows humor kind of way?

Here’s the “original factory building” in question (courtesy of Brownstoner).

And here are some shots of people partying in said “original factory building”.

After Labor Day I thought the good times would end. They didn’t. September 15, 2010 a commenter writes:

So, I went to the last open house of this condo (I thought I had done my research, but I guess I missed this whole fiasco.) This explains some of the weird things dirty aspects of a few of the units: there was some liquid spilled all over the counter that the brokers didn’t bother to clean up (thought it was coffee, but now I’m sure it was something more sinister), there was a creepy collection of VHS tapes scattered about, and one of the bathrooms literally smelled like piss. So, thank you New York Shitty. You’ve helped me and hopefully several other people the dodge a bullet of this poorly maintained shithole.

Shortly after posting the above gem I received an email from a neighbor of this building (September 16, 2010):

So, 66 North 1st had another party about 3 weekends ago. This one was on the roof and in the apartments, and noise wasn’t too much of a problem. The units had either very low light, or red light bulbs. You can see why they would want to show the place that way when you view the building in daylight. The building has some serious rusting issues already. I’ll try and send a photo later today.

Same song, different verse. What I find particularly creepy is the use of a manhole cover for these (ostensibly) luxury accommodations. I have seen a number of exploding manholes in my day. And exposed brick, stainless steel appliances and high ceilings had nothing to do with it.*

Miss Heather

*Rather it had to do with Con Ed and watching manholes explode on Greenpoint Avenue— over drinks— at Splendid.

This post is dedicated to my good friend and mentor: Robert Guskind. He— above anyone else— would appreciate the utter absurdity and abject nature of this post.


One Comment on Williamsburg Real Estate Hilarity Du Jour: We Know What You Did Last Summer

  1. rheingold on Mon, 20th Sep 2010 10:08 am
  2. The amenities list left out the nitrous tank and DJ NumbNuts there.

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